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Thread: Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000


    I am unable to understand how to use Nikon SB700 with my D5000 as a TTL flash. In the sense, I would like to start with the camera deciding the exposure in Aperture priority mode and the flash switched on. I am getting highly over exposed images. Not sure how to set up. Tried to understand from the User Manual...but could not. Can some one help? If there is a Video, that might help

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000

    Try using your flash compensation to dial back the flash power.

    Personally I'm finding that I'm using manual flash these days as it gives me more control - as long as my flash power is dialled in how i'd like it and the flash to subject distance remains the same my exposures are more consistent.

    Don't be afraid to up your ISO though - 800 should be fine on the D5000 - more ISO = less flash power required = longer battery life

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000

    If that system works the same as my D7000 and SB600 (I would be very surprised if it doesn't), keep in mind that the flash's exposure compensation is added to the camera's exposure compensation. As an example, if your camera's exposure compensation is -0.5 and your flash's exposure compensation is -0.5, the total exposure compensation will be -1.0. That fact doesn't matter so long as the image comes out the way you want it. However, understanding that fact might help you achieve the look you want quicker.

    I also am using Manual flash exposure more and more for the reasons explained by Phil.

  4. #4
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000

    I think flash exp comp works differently between Canon and Nikon, so take Mike's word as gospel! is a good place to go once you're daring to try different flash techniques. A good part of the 101 section is the balancing ambient and flash light part.

  5. #5

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    Re: Using SB 700 with Nikon D5000

    For the equivalent to strobist except primarily for on camera flash work I've found to be very helpful as well.

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