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Thread: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

  1. #1

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    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    PLEASE don;t say it looks like I took it with an IPhone
    might be my 1st photo post here, I tried 1 somewhere a while ago...
    This was a mean sky for the day but made for interesting clouds. Any helpful comments are appreciated.
    I do not have filters yet or a fancy PP. I can crop photos, but that is about my extent of it right now.

    You all have great shots on here!

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..
    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Hi Nancy... I am wondering what focal length that you used for these shots and what type of post processing program you work with. A PP program doesn't need to be expensive, GIMP is free and is used by several of our members. I purchased Photoshop Elements 10 for about $50 (USD) from a Costco discount store.

    I cropped a bit of the sky in this image, increased vibrance and contrast. I also increased saturation a tiny bit and sharpened the image.

    How do you like the result of the very quick PP. I will delete it if you desire..

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

  3. #3

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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    No, I do not mind that you 'edited' the photo! Wow.
    In that shot, I used a Nikon 7000, f5, 1/200, ISO 640, 16mm.

    It is my 1st DSLR that I got in May.

  4. #4

    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    I used Lightroom 4.1 and Nik Sharpener Pro. Hope you don't mind. Beautiful images and with a little PP you can really bring them out.

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Hi Nancy! Nice captures but as Richard indicates, a little post processing can sometimes go a long way toward turning what might have started out as a snapshot into a stunning image. There are some really fascinating cloud shapes in the second one!

    From what I can determine, the D7000 is one of the best cameras available in its price range. What lens did you shoot these with?

  6. #6

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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    I shot that with Tokina 11-16 mm. Being a newbie, I was happy with my choices in lenses, but I don't have anything to compare to!!?
    Any other comments appreciated...

    ANYONE been to a Balloon Festival such as Albequerque with 300 balloons launching at dawn???.
    I am there next week - any other help appreciated. I travel in RV so am in great places

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Nancy, you asked, "ANYONE been to a Balloon Festival such as Albequerque with 300 balloons launching at dawn???.
    I am there next week - any other help appreciated."

    I was at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta five years ago and it is so photogenic that it awes the senses. Thinking back, it seems like I did most of my shooing wih a 24-70mm f/2.8L lens on a Canon 1.6x camera. I also carried a 12-24mm f/4 Tokina...

    If possible, camp on the balloon grounds. There are camping spaces that are on a bluff overlooking the launch area. That bluff is also a great place from which to shoot the evening balloon glow. If you sightsee in the City between the mass ascention and the balloon glow, be sure that you give yourself plenty of time to return to the balloon grounds. I didn't and missed the Evening Glow because of a traffic jam. The traffic around the balloon grounds is terrible.

    By all means get up early and get out onto the launch area as the balloons are getting ready for the dawn patrol, It will still be dark and you can get some great shots with the flames lighting the balloons...

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    BTW: it can get cold as heck out there because Albuquerque seems to have a breeze that always picks up before dawn. Dress in layers because it will get warmer later on. I didn't dress warmly enough the first morning and regretted it...

    As far as the Mass Ascention, be cognizent of the wind and be on the downwind side of the launch area. That way the balloons will pass over your head as they launch. There is no telling which way they will travel because it depends on the direction of the wind.

    The mass ascention almost is sensory overkill. You are right among the balloons as they take off and they will pass low over your head.

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    There are all shapes sizes and colors of Balloons...

    Some of them are really creative...

    Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    If you have the money and really want to get some truly great balloon shots, ride in a balloon for one launch. Shooting other balloons from above with Albuquerque and the Rio Grande Valley as background can result in beautiful images.

    Now for the bad news... You have to keep your fingers crossed that high winds don't prevent the balloons from launching. It doesn't happen often but, there is always a chance that it will occur.

    My shots of the Balloon Fiesta along with a lot of additional information can be found at my smugmug site:

    I hope you enjoy your visit to the Fiesta as much as I enjoyed mine. Post some images...

    Last edited by rpcrowe; 29th September 2012 at 03:35 AM.

  8. #8
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Hi Nancy,

    Some interesting scenery and from the replys you now have an idea what post processing could do with them.

    I wonder why you used F5 and F3.2 for the shots giving the reduced DOF, was it just because you wanted to keep the speed up as not using a tripod ?

  9. #9

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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Stagecoach , thanks for your comments. Your question implies I know what I am doing! Although I have the basic understandings, I usually just shoot different settings until I get something I with the clouds, it was disappearing right before me...
    I guess the f5 didn't help in my sharpness?
    I will try to remember that.

  10. #10

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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Richard, wow on the advice and photos!
    Will go to your page and look at settings, as I will need the help.
    We are camping in the RV dry camp park. Our Toyota Tundra has a Fold-a-Boat on top if you see us.

  11. #11
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Quote Originally Posted by Nancy Moran G View Post
    PLEASE don;t say it looks like I took it with an IPhone
    I wasn't going to say that .......... honest! But the important thing to remember that good and great images are made by the person behind the box, whether that is an IPhone or a D7000, or a ....., or a ........! There has to be creativity and vision, number 1. In being able to see what you saw here and going for the shots, you demonstrate , in my view, that you can see the photographic opportunity.

    All the technical stuff can be learned and, as the guys say above, getting some of that under your belt in terms of post-processing ability, would a useful next step. Working on understanding how your camera works and how you can get the best out of it, will be a useful goal as well.

    I've also got the Tokina 11-16mm. It a great lens. I've just posted an image, here, that I made today with that lens.

  12. #12

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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Donald!! You made my day, thank you. I had my doubts when posting them due to all the great shots I see on this forum!
    Thanks to the Forum I am learning.

  13. #13
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Arches N.Park, Utah - hopefully photos..

    Quote Originally Posted by Nancy Moran G View Post
    I shot that with Tokina 11-16 mm. Being a newbie, I was happy with my choices in lenses, but I don't have anything to compare to!!?
    Any other comments appreciated...
    The Tokina 11-16 mm is a great lens. I have one and so do a number of others here at CiC. Good choice!

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