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Thread: Beyond my comfort zone

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Beyond my comfort zone

    The three images shown below are so far beyond my post-processing comfort zone that I would really appreciate helpful critique. I didn't make them this way because I had a burning desire to stretch myself. Instead, I made them this way because I felt the images called for their respective treatments. I was willing to go for it despite that I had to enter unfamiliar ground.

    #1: High key
    Beyond my comfort zone

    #2: Muted tones with little contrast
    If this image is not displaying the entire horse (it's not displaying the legs on my system), the entire image is not being loaded.

    Beyond my comfort zone

    #3: If I have to caption it, the image doesn't tell the story I hope it tells.
    Beyond my comfort zone
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 1st October 2012 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    #3 is a complete 100% winner IMO, Mike

  3. #3

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Good to know that it works for you, Phil.

    Moderators: If something can be done on your end to get #2 to load properly, I would appreciate you looking into it. I've uploaded the image twice with no success. The image isn't corrupt, as I can view it normally in two apps.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Moderators: If something can be done on your end to get #2 to load properly, I would appreciate you looking into it.
    I'm seeing it ok, Mike.

  5. #5

    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    I can see it also Mike. #3 really is great for me!

  6. #6

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Thanks for the nod, Carl.

    I can finally view the second image properly on my system.

  7. #7
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    #3: If I have to caption it, the image doesn't tell the story I hope it tells.
    Mike - Can you explain what you mean? What is it that has not worked for you with this one?

  8. #8

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Donald: The third image works for me and requires no caption. However, if it requires a caption for others, that indicates to me that the story is not being told by the image all on its own.

    The story I hope the image tells is that the foreground horse is keeping a close eye on the background horse. Does it tell that story for you and others with no help from a caption?

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Donald: The third image works for me and requires no caption. However, if it requires a caption for others, that indicates to me that the story is not being told by the image all on its own.
    Sorry, Mike. I misunderstood. All clear now.

    The reason I did ask was because, like the other guys (and yourself), I think this is a superb bit of work.

    I didn't describe the image as you have, but something similar. For me it was about a 'connection' with the community of horses. It was as if you were, for a moment, seeing the world through the eyes of that animal closest to us. To me there is an intensity in the connection/relationship between man (in this case you, but you representing all of us) and horse. We may look different, but we'rer eally just beings sharing the same planet and dealing with life. We're not people looking at views of horses. We're right in them.

    For me, the horse in the background gives the image context. It is well placed in terms of the overall composition.

    It really is a beauty. The idea and the artistic composition are more than matched by the technical ability that made the final image.

  10. #10

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    For me it was about a 'connection' with the community of horses.
    That works for me also. Thanks for adding that.

    I was actually going for a shot that simply isolated the horse's eye. Instead, the horse in the background walked into the scene, which I did not realize until I got home and saw it on the computer. I just love that most of the horse in the background is obscured by the foreground horse's mane, adding a bit of mystery to the image. I'll take that kind of luck any day.

  11. #11
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    I like them all, nicely done Mike. For saying that you were out of your comfort zone I do not see any indication in the images. Not sure how you post process but when I like an image and begin I have an idea of what I would like the final image to be. Then I just work at it until I get it to what I want, many times resetting to the original image and beginning over again. Sometimes it is days or weeks of going back and tweeking until I think it is just right. Each time going back to an image I may see something different or something I missed. Anyways... nice work, beautiful horses.

  12. #12

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Thanks, Joe!

    We all work differently, but I have learned for me over time that continuously starting over almost always leads to an image that becomes progressively inferior with each restart. That surely speaks volumes about the inadequacies of my approach in that situation and has nothing to do with yours. I get it done by achieving the results I want in the first go or otherwise using the delete key.

    Having said that, I have decided to remove one hair in the last one that crosses the horse's eye. That won't be easy but I think will be well worth the trouble. EDIT: It was actually very easy and very much improves the image at least for me.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 2nd October 2012 at 12:58 AM.

  13. #13

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    #3 needs to be printed large and hung in a place of honour. Having said that I really like the other two as well. The horse in the second image has the most amazing eyelashes.

  14. #14

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone


    Knowing your appreciation for Icelandics, your comment about #3 is especially meaningful.

  15. #15
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    All three are beautiful and the high key and muted tones work beautifully in these pieces. They fit the subject perfectly.

    Am not sure what the 'treatment' was you were trying out on # 3 but whatever it was you have obviously executed it wonderfully as it is indeed a shot worthy of a place on any wall. Great stuff.

  16. #16

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    Re: Beyond my comfort zone

    Especially glad to know that your artistic eyes like these, Sharon. Thanks for commenting!

    Your question about the treatment of the third piece reminds me that that one was at least partly in my comfort zone, whereas the other two were not at all. There were some selective treatments in the third one that weren't new to me, though using them in the context of this piece was completely new. Probably not worth explaining.

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