Occasionally I get lucky with light when I'm out on a photowalk.
I got lucky big time this morning, with 3 different guys in 3 different locations. Generally I like to process my colour shot, and then complete in black and white, but I like both versions with these. Unfortunately I had to crop the last one by 50%, as if I had moved him or got any closer I would have lost the light and moment.
Anyway, here are 3 sets - colour and b&w - C&C more than welcome:
1.col and 1.bw - 2/35 Distagon, f2.5, 1/50th, ISO1800
2.col and 2.bw - 2/35 Distagon, f3.2, 1/100th, ISO2000
3.col and 3.bw - 2/35 Distagon, f8, 1/50th, ISO720, 50% crop