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This is more of a category that seems to be passed by in your assessment.
And yes, there is a lot of rubbish out there, but also the opportunity to try a risker shot that may or may not work.
Unless you are referring to a planned shot which you categorise as rubbish - in which case that is your personal opinion.
If the photographer has been chosen based on their work/creative vision, then the B&G are getting what THEY want, which is apparently not the same as your own vision. I am sure there are people out there who would hire you based on your work and others that would categorise your vison the same way as you have work that goes out these days.
I love the fact that there is a wide range of options out there, and increasing as time goes by.
Vive la difference.
There does seem to be a fashion lately (at least in the popular press and online) for flare and 'gimmicks'. Some will last, some will fade away.
I remember a question on the difference between fashion and style. Merely the length of time it stays around for.