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Thread: Logos...

  1. #41
    John Morton's Avatar
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    Re: Logos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post

    With respect to the website I once operated, I did manage to get a hold of one individual who copied both photos and text from my website and when I asked this person about it, he advised that he did not see anything wrong with it, that they too promoting the community and that I could copy any material from his site that I wished. I told him to get his lazy butt down here to speak to the people and take his own photos...
    That's an excellent point, Christina! For myself, the whole purpose of writing about a place or situation is to give the people involved a chance to speak for themselves (in contrast to trying to speak for them, and deciding for them what other people are going to hear them say).

  2. #42

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    Re: Logos...

    Quote Originally Posted by Christina S View Post
    I called several times to try to speak to the publisher/editor in person but no one returned my calls
    Unfortunately, ultimately, (and logo or no logo) it can just come down to "see you in court" (although you may have a "small claims court" that has the same teeth, but without the expense of a "real" court).

    Some other links for you ...

  3. #43
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Logos...

    Thank you Colin... I will save for future (for myself) and send the links to my friend.

    As a side note, I have learned a ton from this forum. Thank you.

  4. #44
    orlcam88's Avatar
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    Re: Logos...

    Quote Originally Posted by revi View Post
    As for me personally, I did vote for some of yours (not going to say which), and if not, it was not due to the signature. Example: I liked the "renaissance harp" entry,
    but found that I got drawn all the time to the lower left corner (the light spot at the foot of the standing harp), meaning I had to fight the natural tendency in the image
    to see the subject. Others there were more accessible.
    Thanks for voting Remco and Christina!!Logos... And anyone else who did.

    I looked at my photo's and although it's on the bottom it's a bit large. I'm going to reduce it a lot more and make it less obtrusive. (wow I spelled that correctly on first try). I've seen a few that I like and would emulate their styles.

  5. #45
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Logos...

    My pleasure, and I look forward to seeing more of your photos...

  6. #46
    orlcam88's Avatar
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    Re: Logos...

    How famous images would look with watermarks:

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