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Thread: Lr 4.2?

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Lr 4.2?


    LR (4.1) informs me that v. 4.2 is now available free of charge. I'm a rather new LR user. I can't spot anything that I need in the features, and there are a few reports of problems. Is it better to wait a while before upgrading?

    (My experience of a lot of other software says don't grab a new release as soon as it's out - but I thought I would ask the question here)


  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Lr 4.2?

    One of the items is that the raw converter is updated so that it can handle files from newer cameras, say the D600.



  3. #3
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Lr 4.2?


    I went ahead and did the upgrade, and havent experienced any diffulties, but I agree with you there doesnt seem to be any of real import in this unless you have one of the cameras that is included in the list. If you choose to wait for a while, I see no indications that you are missing anything you need, as 4.1 is really excellent as is.

  4. #4
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: Lr 4.2?

    I upgraded too even though my camera was in LR3 and 4.1.

    What may be of interest are the additional lens profiles (45 new ones):


  5. #5

    Re: Lr 4.2?

    Adobe also say that a large number of bugs are fixed in LR4.2, and a number of users on other boards have been reporting performance improvements (seems about the same to me, but I didn't experience the poor performance others seemed to have had with LR4.0).

    Incremental improvements in LR (e.g. 4.1 to 4.2) are usually a combination of more cameras and lenses supported, bug fixes and performance improvements.

    I would always recommend upgrading to the latest release unless you've a specific reason not to. If you're cautious, wait a week or two for any disasters to be found. I always keep the install file for the previous version so I can go back if I need. And of course, always back up LR catalogue and all your images regularly.

    One reason for upgrading: if you go to Adobe (or any other software maker) with a problem, you're going to hear: "Are you using latest update? If not, try that first".

  6. #6
    Cogito's Avatar
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    One other point...

    It's bloatware. 750meg. Takes an age to upload and install. If you don't need the new camera/lenses, wait awhile.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    I think a good rule of thumb is to wait a bit with a truly new release, e.g., 4.0, because there are often bugs. This was certainly true of 4.0. In my experience, this is not true of the incremental free upgrades (to 4.1, to 4.2). As Simon said, these are usually a combination of new camera support and bug fixes. I have never had any problems with any of the incremental upgrades, starting with LR 2.

  8. #8
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    I too upgraded. I thought I had an issue. With 4.1 I was able to list LR in my preffered program list so that I could bring an individual image in to LR by "open with". I upgraded to 4.2 and could no longer add it to my list. Thinking it was a bug I went into the registry and tried to reprogram windows to recognize LR. It did not work even then. I later found out it is not supposed to work this way at all but does for some users.
    It really is no issue as I just had to adjust how I went into my workflow for certain sittuations. The update has had little effect on how things work, thats a +. I am new to LR and am enjoying just how powerful it is.

  9. #9
    jprzybyla's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    I upgraded to LR 4.2 without any problems. It has improved the performance on my laptop. Moving between modules takes less time, everything seem to happen faster.

  10. #10
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    Thanks for the feedback. I've taken the plunge, and so far so good. Some things do seem to happen faster, notably the initial program load, so I'll see how I go.

    One thing, not to do with LR4.2 specifically. Initially, LR doesn't recognise my Tamron 70-300mm for lens correction, but when I tell it that the lens is a Tamron - it knows which one it is, and applies a correction. Strange?

  11. #11
    darkslide's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
    It's bloatware. 750meg. Takes an age to upload and install. If you don't need the new camera/lenses, wait awhile.
    Where do you get 750Mo from? I downloaded it when it was announced (because I have a D600...) and it was 430Mo.

  12. #12
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Lr 4.2?

    750 MEGs was the size of mine as well

  13. #13
    darkslide's Avatar
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    Re: Lr 4.2?

    Blimey! Perhaps mine only works half the time

  14. #14
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
    It's bloatware. 750meg. Takes an age to upload and install. If you don't need the new camera/lenses, wait awhile.

    Wait awhile for what? The download?

    It's not going to get smaller.


  15. #15

    Re: One other point...

    It's 752M on a PC. Rather slip-shod programming by Adobe: they don't provide separate 32-bit and 64-bit versions, instead they put both versions in one humungous download. I don't know anything about the Mac version, but on the Adobe site I see it's 426M, and described as for "Multicore Intel® processor with 64-bit support"

  16. #16
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    Oh come on folks. It's a one-off download. What the heck.

  17. #17

    Re: One other point...

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Oh come on folks. It's a one-off download. What the heck.
    It's a download every 4 or 5 months. No big deal, but when you've got 4Mbit/s download speed, you watch your life slipping away downloading a wholly unnecessary 400Mbyte...

  18. #18
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    when you've got 4Mbit/s download speed
    If only! I have to bumble along at 1.5Mb till BT will get its act together.

  19. #19
    Cogito's Avatar
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    Re: One other point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn NK View Post

    Wait awhile for what? The download?
    It's not going to get smaller.
    Merely suggesting that unless you need support for a newer camera/lens, there's not much point in the upgrade. Adobe state they've fixed some problems but don't say what. I've had no problems with 4.1 and only own cameras/lenses that are already supported, so I can wait for something more substantial. The reason I know it takes forever is because I started a download before dinner and I finished before the download so I cancelled it. Then I noticed that it was 750 meg and realised why it hadn't finished. Lr 4.2?

  20. #20

    Re: One other point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
    Merely suggesting that unless you need support for a newer camera/lens, there's not much point in the upgrade. Adobe state they've fixed some problems but don't say what.
    Yes they do - see

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