Last edited by Downunder; 9th October 2012 at 04:33 AM.
Excellent image. I initially thouhgt Greg's crop was a good idea, but perhaps a just too extensive to allow the danger and unique setting to be appreciated. I thought a crop just above the girl's head would work, but still that negates the fact that the skater is skating ABOVE people's heads. I guess I vote to leave it as is, except to enhance the saturation and contrast as Greg did.
Great image Your original is the one that works for me I really think it needs the context
Agree with Dave.
First one for me and with your original saturation and contrast too..there is a coolness of colour that I think works well with all the glass.
It's a 'cracking' shot ( pun intended!)
Really good work.
The original also works for me but, I like them all. I envy persons who have the skill and agility to do things like that. Even in my younger years, I never had that kind of skill and muscular coordination - OR THE COURAGE to attempt stunts like those...
Steve....the contrasts and colors in this are perfect. If it is an HDR which I am not sure of, then it was done beautifully. This is the kind of appearance I shoot for most of the time, but fail to achieve, most of the time. What software did you use for this image?
I echo everything that Sharon said.
I too prefer the original. Great image. Was this a quick run or did he stick around for a bit. I think here he would have been arrested fairly quickly. Either way you were in a the right spot at the right time and made good use of it.
I am betting he would love to have a print of the first.
Superb subject (kickflip) frozen perfectly, great comp/background.
i really like it!
Great image! I love that my eyes keep being drawn to his hat and "skate more" LOL!