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Thread: Child's play

  1. #1
    orlcam88's Avatar
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    Child's play

    While I was waiting for the sunset, I saw this cute little sand castle. I like the way the sun was reflecting off of it, so I took the shot.
    Child's play

  2. #2

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    Re: Child's play

    Nice shot
    I particularly like the low angle with the "humps" in the foreground.
    Would it have been any better from a little further to the right to get more of the setting sun glowing on it?

    (That would of course depend on whether the "castle" was as aesthetically pleasing from that angle, or whether something less pleasant such as a dustbin on the beach would have then come into the shot - I am always concerned about suggesting different camera angles because I obviously don't know what else was in the area that may have constrained you. - I always remember being told on another site very forcefully that I should have moved back a further 10 feet to improve the perspective of an image - which would have been tricky as my back was against the cliff!!)
    rgds Steven

  3. #3
    orlcam88's Avatar
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    Re: Child's play

    thank you!
    There were a lot of seaweed and other things on the ground. I really didn't want to clean it up either physically our post processing! so to avoid that i shoot low and away. It was something that caught my eye while i waited for the sunset.

  4. #4
    MilT0s's Avatar
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    Re: Child's play

    I like it Orlando, very creative.

    I think you can improve it a bit in PP. I would suggest croping out the extreme out of focus foreground and some of the background (sea), perhaps a wide frame would fit. You can also try (not sure) a PP vignetting and a BW conversion.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Child's play

    Well spotted Orlando,

    I would try a crop with it lower in frame, losing the foreground humps and also centred, losing the deadspace on left, which to me appears to be behind it - because despite what it is, I imagine it travelling from left to right and towards us


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