This is a really wonderful scene. I especially like how you have captured and post-processed the rays of light.
A few things that would improve the image for me: The highlights in the central area of the sky appear burned to the point of losing all detail and the histogram confirms this. When viewing the image at the large size (thanks so much for providing it!), the texture in the water and the silhouette are overly sharpened; the waves look "crunchy" and there is a distinct, objectionable halo across the entire top of the silhouette.
All of that except perhaps the lost detail in the sky is easy to fix if you have the original file as it came out of the camera. I suspect that even the lost detail in the sky can be corrected. The image is so nice that it's well worth the trouble to take the time to take it to the next level.
Very nice indeed Nathan. It really pops when you click on it to view it full size in Lightbox. I wouldn't change a thing with it. The varying water patterns, the sunbeams and the light reflections off the water really look good. Great title too !!
PS : Hadn't seen Mike's comments when I wrote mine. I see what he means about the halo now and agree that it would be good to get rid of it (you could clone it out for example). The water texture doesn't worry me though.
Last edited by dje; 11th October 2012 at 02:05 AM. Reason: Extra comments added in PS.
You know, I really wish that I yet had the original files of my images. A great number of what I had was lost when my PC went down.
Regarding your suggestions, I still have very much to learn - about the 'science' of photography. I hope to soon develop a relationship with the histogram, and learn to become one with it. I had been blessed with two very nice pieces of photographic gear, a couple of years ago (Nikon D300 & D3), but - as we all know - it takes more than decent gear for one to be truly worthy of wearing a 'true' photographer's jacket. I can't say that I have not received a lot of praises on my works, but that has come (mainly) from average eyes. Don't get me wrong - I really do appreciate it, for they are giving me feedback on what they see. But photographers see such things a bit differently. True photographers get deep into the anatomy of images, and can pick out every single element of it. And it is to those individuals, who wear the above mentioned jacket, that I also strive to please with my photographic offerings.
Yes indeed, I am learning. And it is with the good folks, here, that I know I'll find an easier travel down that road. Believe me, I appreciate it ALL.
Last edited by NLAlston; 11th October 2012 at 05:51 AM.
It doesn't matter that you don't have the original files if you have them in RAW, TIFF, PSD or any format that maintains each of the edit steps. If you only have them in JPEGs, you could still solve the halo issue by applying just a very small amount of noise reduction or gaussian blur using a tiny brush to the top of the silhouette. It's probably not worth the trouble trying to back off on the sharpening of the waves, especially because that's the least objectionable issue. Indeed, Dave found the waves to be not at all objectionable.
A Truly wonderful shot Nathan, well done youve captured the light and water well. Remember though Nathen that its mostly people with "average eyes" that will buy your work and so praise from them is to be valued![]()
Yes, Mark - you are SO right about that. Those received praises are no less important, to me, because they have come from what I called the 'average eye' individuals. I just long for the day when my work can shine in the 'surgical' eyes of the professional photographers, also. That's how much I love this craft .