Last edited by MilT0s; 13th October 2012 at 06:08 PM.
Miltos, still nice photos with great views even though they're older. Would love to visit there some day.
They look fine, Miltos. Yes, horizons not perfect; but not a long way out.
I suppose the first would have been slightly better if the cat was looking towards the left. But you can't tell a cat what to do!
Well I am a cat specialist myself (I have a special cats section in my photo blog!) and I regularly take cats photos so... tell me about.
I have found a solution however! I keep playing with them, usually with a laser pointer being careful not to hit their eyes, I then feed them and then they are so exhausted they go to sleep so they I can take any number of photos I want. Unfortunately with their eyes closed....
Thanks for your comments.
They all look good to me for different reasons; love the cat
I love cats - and your pictures of them
That one is good. You have an attentive cat there, which really adds a bit of sparkle to the scene.
Cat shots are great. Scenery shots too but the cats take the prize.
A combination of #1 with #3 or #4 would be awesome.