What an intriguing shot Carl. The engine is dated 1944 - would that be diesel or petrol? The chain gearing to each tub - that is presumably driving paddles within each tub. A smashing image with loads of interest.
Thanks Chris,
I thought someone would like the design idea as I did. I could not smell any diesel so thought it to run on gasoline. Yes it would drive each tub with paddles simultaneously. The spittoon catching the saltwater so as not to kill the grass was a little weird but an eye catcher and a laugh for those who knew what it was. At any rate it took someone with an imagination and a mechanical mind and drive to build it. For someone who wants to make lots of home made ice cream this would be an ideal way to go about it.
Hi Carl, I don't know if this is available for a reshoot but if it is, the text on the sign is readable but cut off, shooting from slightly to the right may provide the same basic view and include the interesting history. With the sign cut off, it is frustrating to try to read. Perhaps a slightly higher angle would remove much of the distraction in the background?
Thanks Frank,
If it is still there Saturday I will try to shoot it with the sign intact and yes I see now that it is frustrating to try and read. I will see if I can hold the camera up high and get it without the added distractions as well.
Earlier in the morning would maybe give me a better opportunity as the place was packed yesterday when I spotted it. There was three different bands that played yesterday to entertain the crowds, we stayed around for two of them. One of the two was from Panama City Beach, FL and the other one was from New Orleans, La both very talented bands and a real pleasure to listen to. It was a fun day for the wife and I browsing the old cars and listening to that "Ole Time Rock & Roll Music".
Oh my yes! Now I can read the story and see all of the details without background distractions (except for the traveling pants).
Thank you Carl!
Gotta go get some ice cream now!
I like both shots, Carl, but do appreciate your re-shoot - as it (the sign) now affords more complete historical information. What a contraption, and what a great shot.
Thanks for sharing shots of this unusual contraption. Nicely done.
This reminds me of some of the old tractor shows that we used to go to in south Texas. Usually at those events they would also have all these engines running different things. Don't remember seeing anything like this though. Thanks for sharing it.
Very interesting Carl. Looks like something the English cartoonist Heath Robinson would have drawn !!