Guess I'm #31
Colin, you now have 32 likes...and what is there not to like. Wonderful images. Louise looks like a very energetic and fun model. Well done
Thanks Helen and Jon -- much appreciated!
Louise was nice to work with -- it was her first time modelling and she did very well.
Also liked'
Perhaps it might be a good idea to share lighting techniques?
Page liked, Colin!
interesting stuff there.
PS:- you have 33 likes there
I am sure in less than those number of years.
But please, none of us would want you to throw up in the studio, while shooting!
Your excellent quality shots are self explanatory about "no Justin Bieber rule"
More into Elvis or Guns & Roses, 'eh?
You gotta read more, Donald.
One of my female colleague desperately wanted me to listen to this 'amazing' track. I was like, who is this weird lady and what an eff up song it is. Her jaw dropped!! Looked at me in disgust & said, its Justin Bieber & its a HE!
Gosh! Bustin Jeiber has hijacked Lousie's & Colin's thread....
Hi Colin
I have sent a message to you Photography page, I cant add you from that as it is not your personal link, however, you should be able to add me from my message
I just had to do a Google search to find out who the good Mr Bieber is. Still not sure I'm any wiser.
Ohhhh deary me .... Donlad you really need to get out more ;-)