Beautiful, Krisztina. A great set.
I want to comment on one thing, but I will hold fire until other people reply.
A truly wonderful album of your little girl, some are a little soft in crucial areas for my taste but if thats the look you were after then all is good, my favorite is the one with the wall, it looks like youve blurred it pp, have you? if so its a little harsh on the right hand side.
Thank you! Go ahead, others may never comment
I may guess you may notice my focus issues??
My poor editing skills? both ??![]()
Hi Krisztina
I hope you don't mind this critique
I think you've got the colour, compositions and black and white/desaturated conversions beautifully here. You have a beautiful daughter and the poses and compositions, especially in the black and white/desaturated, convey a sense of innocence and are wonderful. The soft focus isn't an issue to me here, and i think it can strengthen the images.
Now I'm not going to tell you how to photograph your daughter or preach, but I'll tell a story of a friend of mine.
My friend has a beautiful 14 year old daughter and a friend of hers wanted to photograph this girl for portraiture practice. I was shown the pictures one lunchtime over a meal and felt uncomfortable with some of them. Some of the images made the girl look a little too grown up, and some made it look as if she were naked (I'm talking about head and shoulder shots with no bra straps or tops visible). The girl was a little uncomfortable with these herself.
My wife was with me and she commented afterwards that she was also a little uncomfortable with these images, so it wasn't just me from a male point of view that felt an issue. Our opinion was purely from the point of view of caring friends.
Now that is a very different situation to your images here, as you are photographing your daughter and you have every right to capture her however you'd like. Also, your daughter is a lot younger. However we don't live in an ideal world and the cynic in me feels as if some of these photographs could be taken out of context by a certain very small percentage of the male population.
So my critique is not based on the images themselves - I think they're wonderful. My comment is that you should feel very comfortable with this set, confident that you have captured some beautiful pictures, print them large, print them small for a photo album, but not necessarily share them with the internet world.
I'm now going to get slated for being a prude! Sorry, this is just my opinion.
I'm glad you didn't take that the wrong way!
And before anyone says I'm being hypocritical (after posting a photo of my new born son) I didn't have the chance to even hold him before that photo was taken, let alone dress him![]()
Everybody is entitled to an opinion Phil, and nothing makes any one opinion any more valuable than another, i may disagree with you, but im not sure that i do in this case, i dont have children and so i find it hard to understand a parents feelings, but at the end of the day i respect anybodies opinion even though it might be wrongand nobody should slate anybody because of an opinion.
but back to the pictures, i like the saturation and exposure mods that youve done on the wall pic just not the blur. still a good set, well done.
I've heard of double negatives, Mark, but that made me go round, and around, and around, and around!![]()
Kind of how i feel about this whole child photography thing..... Its a shame that people have to protect their children in this way, Its a shame that a photographer photographing children is often thought of a pervert first and a photographer second. Its a shame that all those moments and wonderful images go unrecorded or not displayed because of a sick minority. ITS JUST A SHAME.![]()
Here in Mn we recently had a story in the news of a well respected assistant coach of a mid sized university whom was put on suspension. He had snapped some shots of his young children being children, one of the shots involved some sort of nudity as the child cavorted with a pumpkin on her head. He was later absolved of any wrong-doing, but he and his wife went through a very difficult time. It is unfortunate that we live in these difficult times, but I guess that we must adjust to the digital age.
and in America they are far less PC about this than in the UK!
Now i am depressed!! im going to look at cameras, lens's and other shiny stuff.