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Hello Hazza, I photograph nature... mostly birds. I shoot Nikon so am not too familiar with Cannon. I use the Auto ISO function Nikon cameras have. My settings are Minimum ISO set to 100, Maximum ISO set to 3200. Nikon also alows a minimum shutter speed to be set as part of Auto ISO, I have that set to a minimum of 1/400. I have this minimum to avoid camera shake because almost exclusively I am shooting with a 300mm telephoto lens. I also use both Aperture Priority and Shutter Priority. Aperature Priority for stationary birds and slowly walking birds where depth of field is my most important concern. Shutter Priority for flying birds, most times shooting at 1/2000 to freeze the birds motion. I also have my camera set for Auto White Balance, rarely do I change that in post processing. This is what works for me and the type of photography I do.