The Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC. Was not sure what to do with the light to the left. I dulled it down a little but was uncomfortable deleting it as all the shadows that is produce around it. Any ideas? C&C welcome.
Excellent shot, Steve. I like it as is. I think toning it down a little more is about all you can do, as cloning it out will get you into a Pandora's box both with the local shadowing, and the reflections in the water. A great subject for a PP Challenge
Really nice image. I don't think there is much you can do about the light. It certainly draws attention to itself, but I think you've done as good as can be.
Next time you go there, take a friend. Have him climb the lightpole and cover it until your finish shooting.
Not knowing how bright the light was, I can't tell how much it was toned down. I don't think it detracts from the image the way it is but I get the feeling that the reflection should have been toned down below the brightness of the Memorial reflection.