I like the composition and the DOF on this. Nice job!
Hi Griddi, red is always an attention getter and the Eucalyptus Tree Flower is deliciously detailed and stunning. You have made simple but very effective use of the red and green colours. The bokeh has rendered the background seductively soft and pleasantly inviting.
You were looking for C&C. There is very little I could suggest. If the image is cropped and there is more image area surrounding this, there may be something you could try.
Horizontal and vertical lines that touch the border of an image have a tendency to lead the eye out of the image. In the case of the green leaf on the right, if it is possible to include the tip of the leaf and a little above it, that might help. Another option might be to tilt the image clockwise to take the leaf off the vertical? It might not work being as the flower is already tipped to the left, which is good. If you tip the leaf too far clockwise you may risk bringing the flower upright which should be avoided. If you tip the leaf counterclockwise, you might tip the flower too far to the left. In the end it might be better off left as it is.
By the way, I like to see the unexpected in an image from time to time so seeing Atom Ant doing calisthenics? on the leaf is a pleasant surprise!
Terri thank you very much for looking, and your kind comment.......
Hi Frank, thank you too for your kind comment. you made my day
As the photo is cropped, and I do not have the original anymore, sort of my fault, that I always delete these,( perhaps I should keep these in a special folder ? ) I tried with your sugesstion about tilting etc. but it is not possible with the present crop of the photo.......
WOW..... I only did see now the little ant on the leaf , after you pointed this out, so thank you for this too......
Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 28th October 2012 at 05:59 AM.
Hi Victor,
Thank you very much for your comment, I will try tomorrow, as you suggest to clone out the vertical leaf, right now it is nearly time to go to bed here in Oz.......
Good the bees sipping pepsi, instead of beer......
Good night,