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Thread: Hi from a new member

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Oct 2012
    Victoria, BC
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    Hi from a new member

    Hi there I am new to this site. My name is Alan and I have been shooting and appreciating photography for almost 30 years. I live in Victoria, BC, Canada. I started with a Minolta 35mm shooting mostly B & W. I enjoyed push processing the film and prints with the large grain and contrast. I shoot with a Nikon D90 now and do mostly scenics. My first shot is looking from Victoria south to the States. The second is algae on a pond.
    Hi from a new member
    Hi from a new member

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Cheshire, England
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    Re: Hi from a new member

    Hi Alan. Welcome to CiC. I'm quite new here myself, and I know you'll find much friendly help and support. You live in a beautiful part of the world - looking forward to seeing your images.
    It's a good idea to edit your profile with real name and location. That way we all know who and where everyone is.

  3. #3
    New Member
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    Oct 2012
    Victoria, BC
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    Re: Hi from a new member

    Hi David, thanks for the input. I just updated my profile. I will take a tour around and see where my photos might be best shown. I see we have limits on size so I will have to resize my shots. I was out yesterday snapping some good fall shots. We get so little colour in the winter but on the other hand it is always green. I have to edit some and will post or make an album shortly.
    Nice to hear from you



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