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Thread: New Camera, expected more

  1. #1

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    New Camera, expected more

    New Camera, expected morebut I don't know much about custom settings. I am just learning and used a Kodak C195 p&s for the last year. I actually got a few good photos (so people said). Now yesterday, I bought a Fujifilm Finepix with the dollars I could afford. It has everything I needed according to specs. Such as:

    image stabilizer
    24X zoom

    Anyway, here's one of the first photos I tried and I am really disappointed. I used my tripod to get it to take the best non-blurry shot. The weather is overcast and pretty dreary so maybe I expected too much. I can use my photo imaging software and make it look better but I want to learn the settings on the camera so it comes out clear.

    Feedback welcome, I didn't know which thread to choose. Let me know if I need to post these kinds of questions elsewhere, Denise

    PS thank you in advance for any help, oops sorry, LOL, forgot the pic. Be right back with it.
    Last edited by captivating; 29th October 2012 at 12:48 AM. Reason: forgot photo

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Welcome to CIC unnamed person, you might have noticed that we tend to use first names here, sounds better than that person who shall be unnamed. At this point in time it is a little hard to answer any of your questions or concerns as you need to read on how to post an image to this site, I know that you need to do this, as there is no image to see.

    Denise I found your name on the second read through your post. Best place for it is to update your profile and post it there, another thing is your location as it is not very good to suggest a store in North America and you live in some country in Europe.



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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Sorry Allan, I didn't read enough info on the forum. I did put the photo in, can you see it now? I am seeing it but maybe I still did something wrong so others can't see it. I'll fix my profile. I'm in Southwest Oregon, Denise

  4. #4
    Scott Stephen's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    1.) Fish around through your camera's menu until you figure out how to turn Image Stabilization OFF when you put it on a tripod. I had a Canon Point & Shoot that gave me AWFUL blurry pictures until I figrured that out. The image stabilization/vibration control/whatever gets into a feedback loop on a tripod, and actually makes things worse instead of better.
    2.) You may not have had focus on what you wanted to be in focus. The photo seems like nothing is in focus, but perhaps it was focusing on something you didn't intend to be the focal point in your composition.
    3.) Was your f/number high enough for landscape? If you are doing landscape on a tripod, you would typically want to sacrifice shutter speed to get yourslf a smaller aperature (higher f/number).
    4.) Use a timer on the camera so you don't shake the camera while it is working when you push the shutter button.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi Denise,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    Unfortunately that is just about the worst kind of subject to judge image quality on.

    At 800iso, on a camera that probably has the same sized sensor as your P&S, shooting jpg, at 1/64s exposure time with probably a bit of breeze moving the leaves - you are asking a lot.

    Try a solid subject, with more luminance contrast, in brighter light (hence allowing a lower iso and higher shutter speed) and properly exposed.

    I am not familiar with either camera, but apart from a wider zoom range and probably manual controls, I would guess that in quality terms, there's not that much to differentiate between them. However, the Fuji will hopefully allow you to make informed decisions to get the most from it and we can certainly help with that. UPDATE as you can see above already

    Have you got a less challenging (photo) subject we could help with?

    All the best,

  6. #6

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Thank you Scott, I will try the image stabilizer, geesh, I have so much to learn. I don't know what an F/number is. What do you mean about using a timer, like the self-timer? I do have a slight tremor which is why the image stabilizer was important to me. I tried some free hands but the tripod one turned out just as cruddy.

    Like I said, I really do have a lot to learn. I read a bit on the tutorials so far but I wanted to post the pic and see what people thought. I appreciate what you had to say very much. I will work on it all!! Denise

  7. #7

    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Composition and settings.

    1. What were the settings used to take the image? Where was the focus, what aperture and what shutter speed. Also was there any wind? All of these can impact on the quality of the image.
    2. Composition. It is a snap shot of some distant leaves. There isn't an interesting subject for the image and, as you mentioned, the light was poor. Just because you have a DSLR that doesn't mean everything you point it at will suddenly turn into a wonderful photograph.

  8. #8

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    I did just shoot one on the deck and I will put it up here Dave. Thanks for being so kind I feel like such a dummy but I so want to be here with you guys/gals and learn. I just was playing around out on my porch and shot those trees. I want didn't have much time to "play" today but was dying to try out the new cam Ok, I'm gonna load up that birdbath photo, maybe that will help, Thanks again, DeniseNew Camera, expected more

    This was without tripod and it's getting dark here, LOL!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Denise,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me.

    Unfortunately that is just about the worst kind of subject to judge image quality on.

    At 800iso, on a camera that probably has the same sized sensor as your P&S, shooting jpg, at 1/64s exposure time with probably a bit of breeze moving the leaves - you are asking a lot.

    Try a solid subject, with more luminance contrast, in brighter light (hence allowing a lower iso and higher shutter speed) and properly exposed.

    I am not familiar with either camera, but apart from a wider zoom range and probably manual controls, I would guess that in quality terms, there's not that much to differentiate between them. However, the Fuji will hopefully allow you to make informed decisions to get the most from it and we can certainly help with that. UPDATE as you can see above already

    Have you got a less challenging (photo) subject we could help with?

    All the best,
    Last edited by captivating; 29th October 2012 at 01:21 AM. Reason: add comment

  9. #9

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    LOL, I know you are so right I wanted to take a photo so bad and had to spend most of the day doing homework, LOL! So I had my hopes up that this camera was going to give me an award winner first time out, LOL!! Ok, what are my settings, these are good questions and I will do my best Dan denise

    No wind, dead calm
    ISO 800
    Shutter Speed is 2 notches below the center of graph (toward minus sign)
    There's a #60 and to the right of that is an F---

    Now that I have proven to all of you that I have no knowledge of cameras and possibly no talent, you may never write me again, LOL!!

    Quote Originally Posted by dan marchant View Post
    Composition and settings.

    1. What were the settings used to take the image? Where was the focus, what aperture and what shutter speed. Also was there any wind? All of these can impact on the quality of the image.
    2. Composition. It is a snap shot of some distant leaves. There isn't an interesting subject for the image and, as you mentioned, the light was poor. Just because you have a DSLR that doesn't mean everything you point it at will suddenly turn into a wonderful photograph.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi again Denise,

    Just a quicky as it's after 1am and I should be asleep;

    Thanks for the alternative photo.

    This was obviously shot using the camera's flash and the problem here may be focus, the wooden railings (and what's behind) look sharper than the bird bath.

    Are you sure your camera is using an appropriate auto-focus mode?
    Might be worth a read of that bit of the manual and a play to get things sorted.


  11. #11
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Denise - welcome to CiC:

    Lesson number 1: A better camera does not mean you are going to get better pictures, regardless of what the salesperson in the store may say.

    You have to learn how to use your camera (and understand its limitations), and then develop good composition skills as well as good technical skills. That is when you will start getting good pictures.

  12. #12

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Thanks all of you I do need to study my manual and will do that!! I am really excited about being here on the forum and I really want to learn why and how things work the way they do. I put some photos I took with auto settings on my little kodak. You are so right Manfred and I appreciate your help I will see you all tomorrow possibly if I can get some time in with my manual and camera Denise

  13. #13
    Trina's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi Denise,
    Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to CIC from another Oregonian (Southern Oregon);> You will learn lots here.. the folks here are so kind and helpful...

  14. #14

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Oh wow, I used to live in Sam's Valley. I love it out there I now live up on the North Umpqua near Roseburg. I am finishing up some schooling and trying to decide if I will stay here. I would love to travel and take photos full-time, who wouldn't, LOL Anyway, I was just getting ready to kick back with my manual. You are so right about the friendly peeps here. I figured they'd run me out on a rail for being so dumb about cameras, LOL Looking forward to spending as much time here as well as taking photos. It is great to meet you and thank you for replying as well Trina Denise

    Quote Originally Posted by Trina View Post
    Hi Denise,
    Just wanted to say hi and welcome you to CIC from another Oregonian (Southern Oregon);> You will learn lots here.. the folks here are so kind and helpful...

  15. #15

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Christine, learning about all the features and options of digital anything is rather difficult on your own. Cameras have many features included in the software that none of us may ever use. Start slow and learn what you need to get you started even if it's in full auto. Branch out from there one feature at a time like fstop or shutter speed until you understand how to make the changes and what they do. A good source of information for things like that is YouTube. Search out your camera and hopefully someone has posted some how-to's on the basics. There are many here to help you by pointing you in the right direction but it's still going to mean a lot of work for you. Also look for some continuing education training courses after hours or someone on one coaching from a photographer in the area.

  16. #16
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi Denise,

    welcome to CIC and photography, i would start with learning the exposure triangle, so that you understand the effects of aperture (f---- ) shutter speed (#60) and ISO (800) and how they relate to each other and how each one will effect your image. there are tutorials on here and lots of other places as well, have a read and we will wait for your questions.

    once you learn these you will probably know what was the cause of your image problem without our help!!

  17. #17
    Soozie B's Avatar
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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi Denise

    Greeting from Australia here. Don't worry about feeling like a dummy, there are many of us here that are new to the forum as well as to photography. If you take the time to read the tutorials here you may pick up some more of the lingo, terminology and useful hints on your camera and how to get help here.

    I, as a relative newbie find the assistance, openness and friendliness here very helpful and noone criticises you for being new.

    My advice is relax, take time to read the information and post away till your hearts content.


  18. #18

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hi Suzie! It's the last thing I did lastnight, curled up in the sack and read 3 tutorials from here. The ones on Aperture, shutter speed and Exposure. There was some info on ISO. And also found out what f-stop is. Let's see if I can get it right F-stop is how big the shutter opens up (I'm not looking at my notes so correct me if I'm wrong). Or how wide it opens? Shutter speed is how fast it opens and closes when you snap a shot. Exposure is how much light is let in so directly in proportion to shutter speed. Slow shutter speed, more exposure. I have to look back for Apeture and ISO, can't remember those

    Thank you again for your kind welcome and encouragement, Denise!!
    PS I LOVE your photos on Flicker Suzie, wonderful shots and so clear!! I am going to use my Auto settings for now until I know if I need to adjust them

    Quote Originally Posted by Soozie B View Post
    Hi Denise

    Greeting from Australia here. Don't worry about feeling like a dummy, there are many of us here that are new to the forum as well as to photography. If you take the time to read the tutorials here you may pick up some more of the lingo, terminology and useful hints on your camera and how to get help here.

    I, as a relative newbie find the assistance, openness and friendliness here very helpful and noone criticises you for being new.

    My advice is relax, take time to read the information and post away till your hearts content.

    Last edited by captivating; 29th October 2012 at 04:18 PM. Reason: forgot to note Suzies photos

  19. #19

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Hello Denise,

    Images come with data in them, other than just the picture. This is called metadata, literally data about that data. Part of this metadata is to a standard called "EXIF" and you can find downloads that let you look at the data, which is mostly gobbledegook . . . . but . . .

    I peeked at your EXIF metadata in the first image (the landscape):

    1/60 sec, f/5.6, ISO 800 as already said . . . but . . .

    Exposure Compensation was set to minus 2/3 EV, quite inappropriate for the scene, some landscapers might have gone the other way, e.g. plus 1/3 EV.

    Subject Distance Range said "unknown", perhaps meaning your auto-focus was unable to find a target?

    The histogram shows the image to be very under-exposed, not much data above an RGB value of 140 (out of 255).

    So . . much more exposure needed.

    Although the AF did not seem to find a target, something in that scene should have been in focus. Apart from the suggestion re: stabilization - is anything on your camera setup preventing auto-focusing? [Dave has already mentioned the auto-focusing of your patio shot, too]

    Does your camera have a manual focus option, where you could compare images from the same scene, i.e. one in auto & the other in manual? Does the lens or the camera have little A/M switches on them which you would surely prefer set to "A" (hint).

    Image is a bit flat, perhaps due to use of ISO 800 which reduces the dynamic range of an image quite a lot, IIRC.

    Hope this helps . .
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 29th October 2012 at 04:33 PM. Reason: added manual focus comment

  20. #20

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    Re: New Camera, expected more

    Oh my gosh Ted, this was wonderful!! So you can look at the specs on a pic just like you can for a webpage?? I understand!! So I can see what the settings were and correct them. I want to go with Auto settings for now after reading all the posts as well as the tutorials I managed to look at lastnight. I will try a shot or two today to see what happens with completely auto settings as I was playing around with settings yesterday thinking I could just try some out. I realize how much I have to learn though

    Thank you soooooooo much, Denise!!

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