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Thread: Boring or not Boring?

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Burton upon Trent Staffordshire

    Boring or not Boring?

    I took this on a foggy morning. I was attracted by the flashing lights through the mist, but when I looked at the image on the screen I decided a bit cotton wooly, in fact quite boring.

    Boring or not Boring?

    I didn't give up though, after some processing I think I have made the image more punchy and dramatic, however, when I look at it critically I still think it's a bit boring with no really substantial content in it. What do you think?

    Boring or not Boring?

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    The second edit is a lot better. Certainly shows the lives of early morning workmen.

    Maybe try a crop from the top so the workmen become more obviously the subject instead of the house. I think you could get away with a similar amount from the right side if you want to retain the same size ratio.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    I took this on a foggy morning. I was attracted by the flashing lights through the mist, but when I looked at the image on the screen I decided a bit cotton wooly, in fact quite boring.
    Hi Clive,

    I think brightness-wise, somewhere between the two may be better, but if you ask yourself why you took it (the light beams) - and then look at what's here ...

    There are two vehicles, dividing attention - which one is the subject? (actually, neither should be really)
    Plus there are a couple of poles on the right which just don't contribute.
    There are three brightly coloured, attention grabbing people, but they're all looking away from us. (and they're not the point of the photo either)

    There's not much evidence of 'beams' because the lights are pointing almost directly at us and of course in most still photos, the lights don't flash at us. (although it's not impossible, as Frank shows us here)

    I think you needed to shoot a less busy part of the scene, either from a different angle, or when the vehicles were parked differently.

    However, although all that may sound quite negative, it is a good learning experience, since we learn a lot more from our less succesful shots.

    We've all done this (or we're about to), so please don't be dis-heartened.

    Hope that helps,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th October 2012 at 10:12 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Burton upon Trent Staffordshire

    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Thanks Geoff. I have cropped as you suggested and it does look a bit better, however, I think Dave has hit hte nail on the head with this one.

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Hi Clive, sometimes a bit of background can turn an also-ran image into something more interesting. For example, do we know what the men are doing? A little bit of story background might help stimulate interest.

  6. #6

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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    I think you're spot on. I agree with all you say, it's not that it's boring, it's just a clutter of things with no clear subject. It was an opportunistic shot, I was out to photograph other things and didn't have time to pursue this one properly. Thanks for the input. By the way that animation is cool - a good peice of work by Frank.

  7. #7

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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Thanks for the comment Frank. To tell you the truth, I left so much background in to try to tell the story, otherwise the image became just three men standing around, a truck or a JCB. However, as Dave pointed out, there is now too much in the image and no clear subject. A fine line between interest and clutter.
    A different angle might have helped, but this was the best angle to be clear as possible of lamp posts and road signs, which also ruin the view.
    All in all I haven't changed my opinion of the image - it's just not that good. The potential was there but I just couldn't catch it.
    But it has helped to have it on C in C and reminded me to concentrate on composition whilst photographing.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Its really very discouraging/annoying when it becomes difficult to capture the mood & feel in an image. Before purchasing the DSLR I used to imagine, looking at the rain & mist, that the scene would make a legendary shot. But it didn't turn out to be easy.

  9. #9

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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Totally agree Sahil. At least with DSLRs you don't have to wait to find out how bad the image is.

  10. #10
    kris's Avatar
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Hi Clive,

    in this shot I see two bright spots, the lights, one color spot, the men, and the foggy-background.
    I will try to emphasize this differences, reducing luminosity to pop-out the lights, while keeping the men visible, but on a second luminosity level.
    In this way your attention is first captured from the lights, but then moves on the men, giving you the sense of the scene, and also the different timing. Actually I think is this what attracted you: first the fast blinking lights and then you discovered the men. The role of background and fog is to contain the whole scene without distrubing your attention. Also put a black border to contain the scene and concentrate the attention of your eyes.


  11. #11
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Quote Originally Posted by clive kirby View Post
    The potential was there but I just couldn't catch it.
    But it has helped to have it on C in C and reminded me to concentrate on composition whilst photographing.
    You have used CiC to best advantage Clive. Most often it is the recognition and correction of the misses that sharpen our skills.

  12. #12

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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    Quote Originally Posted by clive kirby View Post
    At least with DSLRs you don't have to wait to find out how bad the image is.
    I love the humor but disagree with the sentiment. When I return home and review images on my computer, I so often think, "What in the world made me imagine that that might be a good image?" Heck, I come to the same conclusion after reviewing images made in my makeshift studio in a totally controlled environment.

  13. #13

    Join Date
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    Re: Boring or not Boring?

    I think that just about sums it up. Thanks for the interest and comments. I'll try and dig out some of the better shots I took that day and post them.

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