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Thread: Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

  1. #1
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field


    I was browsing through some old photos of the Tatio geyser field in the Atacama desert in Chile. They were my first digital photos, and though I thought they were OK at the time, they were flat and over-exposed. So I decided to see what a bit of PP in LR could do. I don't say they are the pinnacle of the photographers' art - but I do think they make interesting images. I need to see what else I can spice up.

    (Incidentally, the Tatio field is at 4200 metres. You can boil an egg in those pools, but it takes a heck of a long time because water boils at around 85 degrees at that height)

    Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

    Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

    Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
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    Helen Wood

    Re: Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

    Another place that is definately on my bucket list - I like the last one the best where you have captured the water droplets. Seems abit more interesting compostionally as well. On the first two there is nothing to suggest the scale of what we are looking at but of course that can also add interest. Are those first two arial shot of an exotic volcanic landscape

  3. #3
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

    It's certainly worth a visit, even though it's several hours drive and you have to be there by dawn.

    You know, I never thought of scale. As s I'm sure you know, the features are really quite small. If they were volcanoes - that would be worth a journey - probably interplanetary Thanks for viewing.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Revisiting old photos - Tatio geyser field

    Sharp and well exposed. Plenty of focus depth as well.

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