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Thread: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

  1. #21

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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    YES ... I have had a battery go 'POP' on me ... but I was recycling individual Ni-cad batteries from junk cellphone batteries, usually only one battery which make up the pack is faulty, the rest are good,, and using an ordinary car battery charger, it has 6v/12v options ... plus I had forgotten about the charge and it went pop across the room. as the case of one battery broke open
    The manuals of just about everything you buy these days starts with about ten pages of do not do this and that as they strive to protect themselves from claims .. such is the litigious society we live in.

  2. #22

    Join Date
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    When it comes to batteries few people know more about them than those guys flying model aircraft. Many of them, if not most of them, use batteries made in China. I have never heard from one of them about an airplane blowing up because of a Chinese Li-Ion battery. Think the most important thing with Li-Ion batteries is to take good care of them, charging them with the correct charger and never to "cook" your battery by overcharging. Do not try to "push" the charge!!!
    Most of these batteries are probably made by the same manufacturer with different names on them. I would be very weary of the really cheap ones. There must be a reason why they are so cheap. Branded battery's price is probably 50% name and 50% for the battery.

  3. #23

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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Most of these batteries are probably made by the same manufacturer with different names on them. I would be very weary of the really cheap ones. There must be a reason why they are so cheap. Branded battery's price is probably 50% name and 50% for the battery.
    'Route to market' is most probably where the differences lie. Branded batteries have to go to the brand supplied, then to market via brand suppliers such as Canon Dealerships and sit on the shelf waiting to be sold having gone through many channels of the brand supplier thereby pushing up the end price.

    Branded batteries will no doubt have to have a 'sale or return' contract plus 'defective products penalties' clause thereby protecting the brand against failure, a method of satisfying any market in the world that it meets their laws and packaged suitably etc. Instructions in multiple languages and all this before it gets to the brand itself.

    Generic of course can skip most of the above coming over via Ebay shops and manufactured on demand rather than sitting on dealers shelves. For instance the US or UK market can be targeted by one manufacturer supplying just for their market would avoid the huge responsibility that the brand carries.

    So, therefore, non-branded could be better performing/quality than branded because of lower overheads and possibly able to use better quality contents. On the other hand if they are lower quality/faulty we have virtually no comeback on the manufacturer as opposed to a little comeback on the brand.

    Most of the above is supposition, of course, as I'm not involved in this personally but if I sold something with my name on it I would want to check it before it went out the door as I have a reputation built up from reliability and poor products can and will ruin that overnight.

    So buying branded products will at least, in my opinion, guarantee us compatibilty and re-sale value (as I suppose most sell on their goods when upgrading, not like me who just hoards them in the cupboard) and generic will save the intial cost, not guarantee compatability and hold little re-sale value.

    In business I can set some of the cost against the tax bill but privately it has to come out of the holiday savings pot.

    Oh, and many years ago, I used to fly model helicopters but they were using nicads then and one sunday lunchtime when I'd had an intensive morning flying I charged the cells onboard... never again as they overheated, caught fire and burnt the insides out of my precious machine

  4. #24
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    Okay, let's see who build's Nikon's batteries for them. It's not hard, just look on the battery...

    generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    How about Sony... The biggest Li-on battery maker in the world, with a high quality automated cell making plant in the Tochigi prefecture. Final assembly is in China.

    Sorry about the marginal photo. It's hard to hand hold a macro while balancing on crutches.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 3rd November 2012 at 01:55 PM.

  5. #25
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    Well i'm getting a little bored with this thread now, after all you've all expressed at length your views, which have know allowed me to make an informed purchase,

    I suggest we concentrate on Manfreds photo now (crutches not withstanding). I'm afraid that the composition is a little off, and im not too sure that your creative use of shallow DOF is working for me, may i suggest a bit of a crop to remove the white on the right hand side?

    I think that you should at least have tried a little image stacking Manfred, or maybe a smaller aperture with stronger lighting?
    the picture also needs the level adjusting and the bottom of the image is missing, is this an abstract piece?

    Personally i feel that balancing your camera on crutches instead of a tripod is a little cavalier, might i suggest the use of a wheel chair with the brakes applied.

  6. #26
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    It's the first time I've held a camera in over 2 months. It felt a bit strange, but I'm not likely to try it again, too much of a risk of dropping the camera and me tipping over. Crutches and cameras are not a winning combination...

    I was just rehecking out the viewfinder with glasses regarding another post and had a look at the battery when I was putting it back in the camera.

  7. #27
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    ...had a look at the battery when I was putting it back in the camera.
    Now I understand why you use only a Nikon battery - it allows you to take a photo even when it is out of the camera. I have to admit that my generic batteries can't do that.


  8. #28
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: generic en-el 15 battery for nikon

    Hell yes, you no nothing Phillip Nikon patented wireless electric at last.... pity they cant do such a good job with wireless tethers and strobe control....

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