Last edited by Karm Redland; 2nd November 2012 at 03:21 AM.
It's the creation of a piece of work using photography. And, as such, it is a legitimate as any other image that started life by being captured by a camera. All this does is apply post-processing that takes it on to being a more abstract/painterly representation of the scene (or scenes) that were photographed.
In terms of this specific image, my only 'problem' is with that top left corner. I think that colour on the blown areas draws too much attention away from the central parts of the image.
its a valid and good piece of work, i agree with Donald's C&C
I agree with Donald, Graham, & Mark, however it just goes not work for me.
I agree with Donald,
Anything which is "created" is essentially Art, Of course it is subjective to the viewer, but you only have to look at a few Rothko murals to see an indication of something simplistic & abstract being lauded over and selling for insane money in the Art world.
Last edited by groovesection; 2nd November 2012 at 12:09 PM. Reason: tidied up the grammar