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Thread: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)


    What software you use daily for organizing your photos and does it have the option to sort/filter pictures by exposure parameters (such ISO, aperture, aso)?
    I want a recommendation (or two, three...).

    Thank you and excuse my English. Is not my native language

  2. #2
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Lightroom does it for me and does it very well but its the only one i have any experience with.

  3. #3

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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    I use IDimager but I haven't tried its latest release called Photo Supreme.

  4. #4

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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Lightroom is good, but it has one failing. One develops the raw file, but need to tweak in photoshop. You save the photoshop image with the originals but with a new name. It is not automatically imported into lightroom, and so lightroom cannot find the file you have saved.

  5. #5
    gaijin's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Yes it does, surely. You do your modifications and then you save it (not save as...) - I usually just close the photo's PS window. The myrichaunt.nef file gets saved as myrichaunt-Edit.nef and LR picks it up catalogues it and stacks it.

  6. #6
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Yep, sorry loosecanon, but Allen is correct - I do the same. If I need to use Photoshop to edit an image beyond what Light Room can do, I open it directly from there, and when I'm done, click 'Save' (not 'Save As', as Allen also points out). The image is automatically saved back into the LR folder that it came from - usually at the very end of the batch. But I believe you can select it to save it beside the original image as well.

  7. #7

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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    I use Windows Explorer as a filing system but that is all it does

    The meaning of word must have changed becuase I rarely use save and always save as. Though I don't use LR.

    To me save is an extremely hazardous option as it writes over the original file. Unless Adobe have changed the meaning of the word.?
    Last edited by jcuknz; 8th November 2012 at 08:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Glenn NK's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    Yep, sorry loosecanon, but Allen is correct - I do the same. If I need to use Photoshop to edit an image beyond what Light Room can do, I open it directly from there, and when I'm done, click 'Save' (not 'Save As', as Allen also points out). The image is automatically saved back into the LR folder that it came from - usually at the very end of the batch. But I believe you can select it to save it beside the original image as well.

    Thanks - I was not aware of this. Does this apply to PSE also?


  9. #9
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Jcuknz - I don't believe they've 'changed the meaning of the term', but here's how it works. If you're working on an image in LR and you choose to edit it in PhotoShop - firstly nothing is ever destructive in LR, you can always opt to 'Reset' that image, and it will take you straight back to what you originally had - probably the biggest number one selling feature of using Adobe Light Room over many, many other products. Next, before PhotoShop opens up, a prompt asks you if you want to perform edits on the original image, or on a 'Copy, with Light Room Edits'. Now, I always choose the latter, that way I have copies of both when I'm done. Skip ahead a few steps - after the edit is complete, this is how Adobe deals with saving it: SAVE, will do exactly what I explained in the previous post, and that is save the image back to LR, in the same folder that the original image came from. SAVE AS, will open up a window that allows you to save the image in various file formats of your choice outside of an Adobe product, such as your desktop, a 'My Pictures' folder, etc, etc. The cool thing is though, that the original image is still always going to be in LR - which is why it's so awesome, and definitely worth spending a few $$ for.

    Glenn, No problem! Glad I could help a little! Unfortunately, I have no experience with Elements. Sorry.

  10. #10
    kris's Avatar
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    Re: photo organizer software (with sort by exposure parameters)

    Quote Originally Posted by jcuknz View Post
    I use Windows Explorer as a filing system but that is all it does

    The meaning of word must have changed becuase I rarely use save and always save as. Though I don't use LR.

    To me save is an extremely hazardous option as it writes over the original file. Unless Adobe have changed the meaning of the word.?
    LR, and similarly PS, does not modify the original file RAW file. When you open a RAW file in PS from LR, LR generates a Tiff copy, with or without the corrections you have done in LR, and sends it to PS. If you use the SAVE option in PS you will get a Tiff new file with the correction you have done in PS. Your original RAW file is untouched. The same holds true for the corrections you do in LR. These are stored into the LR database not into the RAW file. Indeed if you want do save a RAW file with your corrections you have to generate the so-called "sidecar" file, an XML file which contains the info about the corrections you have done.

    Proprietary software, such as Capture NX2 for Nikon, operates differently on their RAW files (NEF for Nikon) and store the settings directly into the RAW file. So they do modify the file, but only the developing settings contained into the file, not the data. Moreover they usually keep a copy of the original settings, so you can revert back or even keep different settings inside the same RAW file.

    You can have a similar behavior with LS/PS if you change your RAW file into the DNG format, so that LR/PS can write the developing settings directly inside the file.

    Which strategy to use is your choice.

    In either case your original RAW data are not modified. In the first case the RAW file is not touched, in the second case only the developing settings contained into the file, i.e., how the RAW data must be interpreted to produce the picture you see, are modified not the data. So nothing destructive really happens.


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