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Thread: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

  1. #1
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    Obasola Bamigbola

    Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    I am about to buy my first Digital Camera and thinking of getting a Canon 600D Rebel T3i,please I need sugestions on if I should buy it or not and state your reasons,thanks.

  2. #2

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Quote Originally Posted by Zhollat View Post
    I am about to buy my first Digital Camera and thinking of getting a Canon 600D Rebel T3i,please I need sugestions on if I should buy it or not and state your reasons,thanks.
    I expect you have already done some basic research work before deciding on 600D. Having done that, don't spend too much time asking for advice/suggestions. Go for it, you are going to love it.

  3. #3

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Personally, I make a point of NOT recommending the xxxD series because of poor ergonomics - in particular, the lack of a Quick Control Dial on the back (meaning you need to do a LOT more button pushing).

    Have you considered the 60D?

  4. #4
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Hi, I have had a 600D for almost a year. I find it works very well. I certainly recognise Colin's greater expertise, but since I've never had a camera with two dials, I find the ergonomics perfectly OK. Personally, I don't use the Q button much, since I have a button for the major variables (ISO, WB, Autofocus, shooting mode) I usually use.

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

  6. #6

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    I can highly recommended the T3i had mine for over two years great camera to start out with and if I had not got a wild hair I might still have it. On the 60D and this is just me but I did'nt like Canon moving the mode dail to the left side and putting a lock on it not sure why they did this. Over all the 60D is a better camera, it's body is weather sealed, has a pentaprism VF which is typically brighter than a pentamirror VF has more cross-type focus points this is just to name a few advantages it has over the T3i, is worth the exter cost? only you can say. It's alway best to go into a store and check out what your thinking about, in this way you can get a feel for the cameras your looking.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Like Colin, I started my move into digital with a Rebel but fairly soon switched to 50D. The difference between the Rebels and the next level up (xxD) is not image quality. It's ergonomics and, in this particular case, AF quality. Like Dave, I thought the ergonomics of the Rebel were fine until I tried the 50D. You can do things a lot faster with the controls of the xxD models, giving me more keepers.

    That said, I know lots of people who do great work with Rebels. I thought it was a fine starter camera DSLR for me.

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Ho Obasola

    I have been using the 600D for thirteen months. It is a great "starting out" camera. My original plan was to get the 600D and then some decent lenses (my three lenses are now L units). The lenses may be "too good" for the 600D but when i am ready to upgrade the lenses will still be usable.

    One does not learn to drive a car using a formula one racer, nor do you start out with a semi pro camera or pro camera. Rather spend that extra money on a good quality lens to use on the 600D and when you upgrade that lens will be usable on your next camera.

    Just my opinion, hope it assist you to decide.


  9. #9
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    xxxD cameras drive me nuts because of their Ergonomics and the lack of the QCD and (typically) the lighter weight and the smaller size.

    I would buy the 60D instead of the 600D for those reasons alone.

    Over the past two years I have been regularly shooting with a Second Photographer – she uses ONLY xxxD Series Cameras and she loves them - because of the button pushing, the lighter weight and the small build.

    Although we can (and do sometimes have to) both use each other’s cameras – it is an extra effort for each of us so to do.

    You should hold and use cameras from the xxxD and the xxD Series and compare and contrast – I expect you will like “the feel of” one more, than the other.


  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    I am also a fan of the xxD and 7D cameras over the xxxD for the reasons mentioned abve. My one foray into the Rebel series was when I purchased a 350D to function as my second camera along with the Canon 10D. I found that I didn't like the ergonomics of the 350D and that camera is now used by my son-in-law, who BTW absolutly loves it. However he has never used an xxD camera.

    One thing that I would like to mention... The xxxD cameras are often called "beginner's" or "entry level" cameras. This is because of the pricing. They are NOT any easier to use (and in some instances more difficult to use) than the xxD or 7D series cameras.

    I personally would rather choose a used Canon 40D or a Canon 50D than with the 600D. In fact, I still shoot with a 40D alonside my 7D. However, I don't like shooting video with my DSLR, so the lack of video capability is not a deal breaker in my case.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 12th November 2012 at 01:20 AM.

  11. #11
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    xxxD cameras drive me nuts because of their Ergonomics and the lack of the QCD and (typically) the lighter weight and the smaller size.
    That's exactly it. I have rather broad hands with short fingers (my mum calls them "capable hands"), so the 600D suits me well (not to say that I wouldn't get on very well with an xxD)

    Apart from the position of the "Live View" button by my thumb. Rant follows. !Drives me mad! I'm going for a shot and suddenly "clunk" the mirror goes up. So I disable it till I need it.

    Overall, horses for courses - but they are all better cameras than I am a photographer

  12. #12
    Scott Stephen's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    No one has asked how much the OP intends to spend on a camera. T3i can be had on a bargain deal now that T4i is on the market too.

    T3i has exactly the same sensor as the more expensive 60D (and 7D too). The 60D is not that much different (for a beginning photographer) compared to the T3i, other than the body of the 60D being larger.

    I don't know pricing in Nigeria, but in the US, the 60D costs 33% more than the T3i (body only). It would be up to the OP to decide if it is worth it.

  13. #13
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    i have a 1000D and a 60D camera, and i find the ergonomics better on the 60D, and i have huge hands, which isnt surprising for a 6f10' tall bloke like me! haha, and i also love the two dials, although it took me a while to get use to it because i was so use to pushing buttons! But if i went back in time i would go for 60D. Because of the added features.

  14. #14
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    The 60D is substantially different to the 600D – the layout, functionality and ergonomics: many have commented on these facts.
    I don’t understand why we are necessarily bringing ‘a beginning photographer’ to the discussion – the OP merely states it is the first digital camera.


  15. #15

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    Re: Need advice on Canon 600D Rebel T3i

    Hello Obasola, welcome to CiC. You did not tell us about your budget. Feature-wise, 60D may be the way to go but is is more expensive than the 600D. With the 60D , you may not really need to consider upgrading your cam body for quite a while(in my humble opinion, that is).

    Think budget, think about later. They are both good cameras from those i know who use them and some reviews. I wish you all the best. You are in the right place. Bawoni?

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