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Thread: Topaz Remask

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Topaz Remask

    Has anyone tried Topaz Remask?

    I really like Topaz Adjust and wonder what the general consensus is regarding Topaz Remask?

  2. #2

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    Re: Topaz Remask

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Has anyone tried Topaz Remask?

    I really like Topaz Adjust and wonder what the general consensus is regarding Topaz Remask?
    I must confess that I haven't heard of it until now. It appears to be fast, but that's not important to me; Accuracy on the other hand ...

    Wwhat I just saw looked OK, but hard to tell from a video clip. To be honest, one of my few gripes about Photoshop is it's relatively poor porformance at extracting fuzzy backgrounds.

  3. #3
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: Topaz Remask

    I have heard of a few topaz products but don' know any users and I like to try stuff on their comps usually before I jump in the deep end and buy something blind. Looks interesting to me and it is something I could find useful on a daily basis to take out the tedium when blending photos into abstract backdrops etc.

    I would agree with Colin on the I'm an accuracy over speed man myself BUT if something can get me close enough quickly then it means I can make minor tweaks manually with lasso, magnet select and pen and have a perfectly accurate mask in a shorter time and I'm all for time saving. If you get it I'd be interested in knowing how it performs.

  4. #4
    plugsnpixels's Avatar
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    Re: Topaz Remask

    Davey, you can download demos of most current plug-ins (including all of those from Topaz Labs), so you don't need to commit before purchasing.

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