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Thread: Long time no bird...

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Ontario (mostly)
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    Long time no bird...

    Since losing 160mm on switching to a full frame, I have been quite hesitant in shooting birds particularly smaller ones.

    The other days decided to see what the camera could do for smaller birds further off so did a couple of shots.

    The accuracy of focus compared to the 550D is simply amazing. The ability to close crop without too much of a detail loss is also a bit of a surprise.

    Bird is a Bulbul and is about 10 inches long. Distance of the shots ~16m for #1 and ~22m for #2. The crops are much tighter then I am normally comfortable with but...

    Obviously a longer focal length would be much much better but not quite inclined in going that route atm.

    What do you think?


    Long time no bird...

    Long time no bird...

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Long time no bird...

    Hi Bobo,
    I cannot say anything as far as birds are concerned but that I have no idea yet how to get it right. Seems you really need a very good long lens to be sucsessful. Those ones I cannot afford.

  3. #3

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    Re: Long time no bird...

    True Andre - these here would fall in the category of "birdscape" rather then "birdraits" hehe.

    I am going to hold off on the 400/2.8 for a couple more months and see how I survive the winter months with the usual lens.

    For now I have my fill of butterflies and other small things. Will be back home in 2 weeks and have little option but go hunt for owls and other winter birds. If they persuade me to go longer - I will. We shall see.....

  4. #4
    PhotoByTrace's Avatar
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    Re: Long time no bird...

    Losing the precious mm also worries me about the transition to full frame. While my subjects are bigger than birds I find I use the long end of my lens quite a lot; I was hoping more cropping would be a feasible option... good to hear you've found that might be an option (at least an interim option )

  5. #5
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Long time no bird...

    At that distance and lens combo I think you did fairly well Bobo. Remember not all birds are as small and it gives you good reason to perfect your staulking skills. I think as you try more {and you should} you will get it figured out more and more. Then when you do get more lens you will really be kickin butt.

    Don't hesitate on shooting the's not like it is going to cost you. Just slow down and make sure all is optimal before you hit the click.

  6. #6

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    Re: Long time no bird...

    Thanks Trace. I have still to test with a 1.4 TC combo (left it at home) so that might be an alternative. A long (read heavy) lens is going to be a last resort thing.

    Thanks Paul - the stalk/shoot style is the one that suits me best. The reason for getting into photography was the walking, I am not going to get anything that will tie me down to a tripod.

  7. #7
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Long time no bird...

    I think you may be happier with the 1.4 and good stalk. I feel the same way and will likely just continue to use my 400mm and 1.5 crop. I can handhold it nicely for almost everything I do. Having been a bow hunter I am used to the stalk.

  8. #8

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    Re: Long time no bird...

    Yes it is far more rewarding this way. Each find requires an analysis of the situation and the best setting for the shoot and this has to be done very very quickly hence the challenge.

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