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Thread: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    For some reason, I have this life that does not permit me to always do what I want. I had an hour while my son was in Physical Therapy this week and thought I'd take some pics of what is left of the lovely fall color. It ended-up being so cold, I took most of the pictures from my car. Determination!!!

    I don't think the quality of any of these is great, but I do like the compositions and the color. My point and click Sony doesn't seem to want to take clear pictures more than 5-6 ft away.

    1-It was twilight and I didn't realize i had the flash on automatic --I like it anyway, mostly because of the background of clouds:
    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    2-Needless to say, it was a windy day:
    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    3-I was trying to take a pic of the brown pod thing on the branch, but the berry kept blowing in front of it. I thought the way the pod thing was attached to the tree was weird. Anyone know what it is? They were all over the tree.
    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    4-Taken from the car --and very windy. I loved the color of the stems of these berries.
    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    5-Unintentional Self-Portrait
    Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always Self-Portrait

    I hope everyone is well. I miss having the time to see everyone's work. Hopefully my Mom schedule will settle down a bit soon!


  2. #2

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    Re: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    They look exactly the same as the kind of shots I take sitting in the car.

    I have a s90 in the car all the time for just such purposes. That has taught me to open up the sunroof and take verticals from the comfort of the seat.

    #1 - suggest you remember this tree and come back to it in spring for bird in nest shots.

    #2 - is the emotional shot of the series. The torn flag sort of symbolises the kind of situation that your great country is going through at the moment. Drop the words though.

  3. #3
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    I agree, a powerful image without the words. I think your "pod" may be a cacoon?

  4. #4

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    Re: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    Regarding the flag --it is the wind that is the reason I took the shot in the first Place. I once saw the torn flag at our church and asked if they needed a donation for a new flag. The nun replied, "No, it's in the budget, we have to buy a new one every month because of the wind."

    So, I thought it was a rather telling picture of what it means to be "The Windy City"

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    Hi Gretchen,
    Your determination, shooting with a Sony P&S inspires me.

  6. #6

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    Re: Have been TRYING to fit my life around Photography-C&C Always

    Andre, well, it's what I've got.

    Unless I win the lottery or have a way to make money with photography, It's all I'm gonna have for a while.


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