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Thread: Equipment Frustration

  1. #21
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Equipment Frustration

    Windows 8 has gone with a feature called the "charms" toolbar. Put your mouse pointer in one of the right hand side of the screen corners (I found that the top right one worked best for me) and it pops us. Pressing the Windows Key + c also works.

    You will find a shutdown option on the "Settings" button there.

  2. #22

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    Re: Equipment Frustration

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Not on my one ...
    Turns out that both key combinations work the same on mine - I had never tried "yours" before.

    But, they both bring up the task manager directly on mine, not that first pic.

    So I suppose the combinations are configurable somewhere in XP Pro . .

  3. #23
    mastamak's Avatar
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    Re: Equipment Frustration

    Thank you everyone for your helpful suggestions but I tried them all plus everything imaginable and my computer stubbornly refused to shut down. I eventually took it back to the technician who was equally mystified. To cut a long story short he resolved it by re installing the operating system so I have spent the past week uploading all my software, yet again. I have learnt a few things about Windows 8 that I am happy to pass on if it is of any assistance.
    1. DO NOT delete a user. I am pretty sure there is a bug in the system and this is what caused my problem
    2. If you try to move the location of a folder to another drive using the Properties/Location tab be very careful to type up the full name of the path of the new location. I tried to move My Documents from C: to E: and stupidly assumed it would copy the path name to the E drive. This does not occur. It simply copied the contents of the My Documents folder into the root of E drive. When specifying the new location I should have typed "E:\My Documents". If you make this mistake you cannot restore to the original location.
    3. When my OS was restored I could not reload my Adobe Photoshop. After several days of hassle I discovered you have to download an Adobe Clean program and clean out all residue of the earlier installation.

    What a pain. I am glad it is all over and I can concentrate on taking some more photos.


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