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Thread: Fall Reflection

  1. #1
    baillie117's Avatar
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    Fall Reflection

    I really like this picture but can't decide if I should do any additional editing. I would appreciate any and all C&C to improve my creative eye. What would you do differently? Thanks in advance for everyone's help.


    Fall Reflection

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Fall Reflection

    Difficult to see this low resolution image in detail. At the moment it looks rather soft and with quite a bit of 'noise' etc problems with the sky.

    But a lot of that could simply be due to the resizing.

    With regard to general composition etc. There is something white on the bottom, around one third from the right edge. For me, that spoils the smooth flow of the 'flowing lines' of trees and grasses. Otherwise the general composition looks fine.

  3. #3
    baillie117's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Reflection

    Thanks, Geoff, for the comments. Its been a while since I have posted here and I had forgotten the best way to get a photo on without sizing down so much. I will correct that. The white is a prairie thistle growing near the water. I can see what you mean by distracting.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Reflection

    Hi Cindy,

    HELP THREAD: How can I post images here? may be helpful.

    For this image I would recommend using the TinyPic method and 1500 wide would be a good size to downsize to, that'll make it just under 1000px high and will still fit most (non-laptop) screens.

    Have you already done some PP?
    Was it a RAW capture or jpg?


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