Last edited by rawill; 15th November 2012 at 09:40 PM.
Hey Robin,
For me, the seals look like the rocks and the rocks look like the seals- not enough subject delineation. Having said that, and with your stated difficult lighting, I do not have a solution other than to tighten the composition up.
Many thanks, I will try a RAW photo when I get there next time, if we are still alowed in!
Vandals may have ruined it for everyone!
I only started doing RAW since I took the seal photos.
Hi Robin,
Have you tried flash?
I did not want to use flash in this place. Anyway, my flash is only the one thet comes as part of the camera.
It wouldn't have done much good in there.
There was a young woman photographer with some much better "Canon" gear than I had. She had hers set to about ISO 6000. She was getting some good photos.
I might try and see if I can do a bit to another photo to give a better idea of the place and what I was working with.
The limitations were my skill, and my gear!
I had no tripod so getting down to too low a speed is problematic.
And I could not pump the ISO an higher.
Many thanks for the helpful replies