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Thread: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

  1. #21

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by unmerited View Post
    Colin, I would enjoy crossing that bridge and exploring the path beyond. I really like the warm colors of the path and the bark in your second image.
    Thanks Sergio

  2. #22

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Hi Colin,
    What you have missed while walking in that forest are the small things. I think a forest has so much to offer for macro photography. Where are those macro shots?
    The bridge is a nice shot but it is not what I would expect of you, I miss a model at the end of the bridge. The second shot is a typical walk around a forest and do not know what to shoot tipe of shot. It simply has no impact.

    In a forest I think the photographer has to really get down in the mud to get the good ones.
    A personal opinion on what makes an image "different", shooting from an angle that not everybody see objects from everyday.

    Are you happy with those shots?
    Hi Andre,

    I don't disagree with the macro comment -- it's one that really needs a separate visit to do it justice though (I didn't have the right equipment with me, nor the time).

    I've tried shooting people in the forest, but it usually end up with the same problems of "difficult" foliage and "background colour that can be any colour you like ... so long as it's green". So in that regard I prefer to save the models more for gardens etc where there's a lot more colour.

    With regards to the "no impact" comment - it wasn't so much a case of "wandering around not knowing what to shoot" as it was not being able to translate what I was seeing into something that was visually appealing in a photo. It was actually a very nice walk - but I'm struggling to translate that into a photo.

    Am I happy with the shots? Well - I'd call the bridge shot a "keeper" (after a lot of pushing and pulling), but it's never going to be an all time favourite. As for the 2nd shot - I think that "as a record of what was there" it's "OK", but it's certainly not going to ever "win any awards". Maybe I should have taken one of my smoke generators with me

  3. #23
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Is that the bridge from the North Island to the South?

  4. #24

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew76 View Post
    Is that the bridge from the North Island to the South?
    No. We just use a cable bridge for that (it also provides the north island with electricity and stops them floating away)

  5. #25

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    I like the first one. It's not stunning, but it's a keeper for sure.

    The second one doesn't move me at all. I've taken lots of similar images and came to the same conclusion about them.

  6. #26
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Lovely image.

  7. #27
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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Okay Colin, Is this point where people like me 'umble self can have a go at you?
    I probably need new glasses and the fate my Mother warned would befall me if I didn't stop 'doing it' is probably starting to kick in. However, I just find the light patterns on LHS and RHS railings on the bridge a bit odd, sort of do not mesh or fit together, if that makes sense. Almost as if taken separately and then cloned together. In the second shot, how about if you had moved slightly to your left to give us a bit more of the path's width and a tad more of its curving around the trees,increasing our desire to slip down the path around the bend, just to see what was further down the track.? Having said all that, could I have done any better? Certainly not! Silly question!
    As for the foliage problem? Easy fix. I have several chain saws and can lend you one. No Problems.

    And please. These are my personal opinions and I am definitely not having a 'go' at any of the other respondents, intentionally or unintentionally. I just often speak my mind, only to realize, too late, I have inadvertently ruffled someone's feathers. If this is so, I apologize.
    Last edited by ucci; 17th November 2012 at 11:33 PM. Reason: qualify comments

  8. #28

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I like the first one. It's not stunning, but it's a keeper for sure.

    The second one doesn't move me at all. I've taken lots of similar images and came to the same conclusion about them.
    Thanks Mike - sounds like a challenge

  9. #29

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Lovely image.
    Thanks Richard.

  10. #30

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Quote Originally Posted by ucci View Post
    Okay Colin, Is this point where people like me 'umble self can have a go at you?
    Go for it

    I just find the light patterns on LHS and RHS railings on the bridge a bit odd, sort of do not mesh or fit together, if that makes sense. Almost as if taken separately and then cloned together.
    I see what you mean. Not sure why, as they've not been given any separate post-production treatment ... just the way they were, although the PP may well drive any natural differences further apart.

    In the second shot, how about if you had moved slightly to your left to give us a bit more of the path's width and a tad more of its curving around the trees,increasing our desire to slip down the path around the bend, just to see what was further down the track.?
    Perhaps. I have a feeling that longer focal lengths to give "slice of life" shots without too much background "noise" might give a better result. Or perhaps I just need a better forest

    As for the foliage problem? Easy fix. I have several chain saws and can lend you one. No Problems.
    I tell you - I'm tempted to use one myself at times!
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 18th November 2012 at 04:02 AM.

  11. #31

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    Re: The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    Hi Colin,

    I like them both, and not in the same time. Both images have your "mark" both in composition and post processing, "clean images", but this time I don't think works pretty well.

    If you don't mind, I give a try in my way of post process.

    The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    The Bridge - A Meeting of Man and Nature

    I do atmit are not the best reworks, but I want more to give an idea.
    Also, pp them to "infrared photo" ?. Don't know why ( and, honnestly, how to), but the second one, especialy that tree from lower right, is looking like a "native totem". I try to give that impression, but is far from it .

    Also, for the first one ( for those who have skills to do it ), I would like too see a metalic forrest surrounding a wooden bridge....

    Hope it helps,
    PS: i didn't smoke anything , is just a severe flu who give me some dizziness.....

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