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Thread: Beaver Damnage

  1. #1
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Beaver Damnage

    I have been driving past this beaver damn (just 2 minutes from the house) for several months now thinking, "Hey, I really need to get up earlier some morning and try this spot". Well, this morning was the morning I got up early (actually I never went to sleep last night). 6am and out the door, find my spot and wouldn't you know it,there is a 30 gallon white plastic barrel in the water right in the middle of my shot. So I hike around to the other side if the "pond", crawl down under the fallen tree to the waters edge to remove said barrel. Of course as I am trying to pull this frost covered barrel out of the water I slip and in I go. Luckily the water was only about 2 1/2' deep, but it was mighty cold...air temp 28 degrees F. Long story short, I got some shots off from several spots around the damn and good thing I did. Just as I was packing up here comes the DNR with an excavator to remove the beaver damn. Seems this is causing some major problems up-stream for some of the housing additions. Well at least I got a couple shots.

    C&C welcome

    1.Beaver Damnage

    2.Beaver Damnage

    3.Beaver Damnage

    4.Beaver Damnage

    5.Beaver Damnage

    6.Beaver Damnage

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Helen Wood

    Re: Beaver Damnage

    For me the last one bests shows the true extent and intricacy of the dam. Industrious little creatures aren't they? Did they fell the large tree in the first and fourth photo #3 for me conveys an almost sinister mood whereas #5 is quite tranquil. It's hard to believe they were taken at the same time and location.

  3. #3
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Beaver Damnage

    Helen, thanks for taking the time to view and comment, it is much appreciated. Yes, the busy beaver fell the large tree...around 2 1/2' across. It amazes me how the whole mood of a photo changes with a little (and I do mean little, because that is all I can do) post production.


  4. #4
    kdoc856's Avatar
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    Re: Beaver Damnage

    Beaver are making a comeback in our area, and are strongly protected. I've tried to take some similar photos, but have found it very challenging to convey via the camera what I've seen visually. You have done better than I.

    For all their reputation of being cute and industrious, these critters can do a tremendous amount of damage, largely via flooding. They arent satisfied with a single dam, but continue to do it over a broad range, and can ruin hundreds of acres. And, because they are protected, we cant move either the beavers or their dams. We just have to hope they'll start looking at some Florida real estate.

  5. #5
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Beaver Damnage

    Kevin, thanks for your comments. I totally understand your comment about challenging...the pics don't do it justice. They are protected here also, that's why I was surprised that the DNR removed it...I wonder where they will turn up next?? Florida would be a good spot.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Beaver Damnage

    Maybe there are too many pythons and gators in FL for beavers to be really comfortable?

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