I have been researching getting Photoshop CS6 and it seems the more I research I do, the more questions I have!
I am going to be taking a photography class next semester at my local community college and we will be using CS6. I was first researching to see if my laptop would be able to support the student version of CS6. Then I was going to start researching maybe adding more RAM (and whatever else I may need) onto my laptop because I really can't afford a new computer at this time.
Then my brother in law told me he has Photoshop 10 and that I could load that onto my laptop with no problems. So then I started researching to see if CS6 and Photoshop 10 were compatible. And now I have even more questions than when I started
So, I guess my first question would be is Photoshop 10 and Photoshop 10 Elements the same thing? When I did a search asking what the difference was between CS6 and 10, Elements kept popping up which lead me to think that Photoshop 10 and Photoshop 10 Elements are one in the same?
Then, I guess my next question would be, is "10" (whether it's Elements 10 or Photoshop 10) compatible with CS6? If I am going to be working in class with one version and working at home in another version, this may be a problem, correct?
Can someone be so kind as to help me sort through all of this? I would really appreciate it!!!
Thank you in advance!!!