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Thread: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

  1. #21

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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    Bizarrely, when you select the Download option, the price goes UP by £3!
    I'll give you bizarre - when I looked at downloading CS4 the other day - in US dollars - it was $699 - but when it found out I was from New Zealand - STILL in US dollars - it went up to $899 (or something like that - was a $200 split anyway).

    I can't figure that one out!

  2. #22
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Just think how many extra miles it has to travel to reach, divide the $200 by that and it won't seem so bad!

    Honestly, would I rip you off?

  3. #23

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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Just think how many extra miles it has to travel to reach, divide the $200 by that and it won't seem so bad!

    Honestly, would I rip you off?
    "Honestly", I could have bought CS4 Extended edition for $399 (NZ Dollars) from our national auction website. I asked the chap to assure us - hand on heart - that this was genuine Adobe product, and not counterfeit ...

    ... but I think the poor chap may have been a bit too busy to answer my question before the auction closed Here's a link to the auction if you want to put a smile on your face

  4. #24
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Sounds like this guy might be a reject from the 'Barras' (local parlance for barrows), that wonderful market in Glasgow where you can get any 'genuine' product known to man for less than half the price of the normal retail price !!!

    ps - It does get raided by the police every now again who grab truck loads of counterfeit products.

  5. #25

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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Hi Donald,

    What I find most annoying about the counterfeiters is that it markedly lowers the price that I can get for legit 2nd hand software

  6. #26

    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Hi Collin,

    Thanks for the sidecar explanation. Still don't LIKE them but now understand the need for them. LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    NX2 is positioned as an advanced amateur type package, and whereas I'm sure it's more than adequate for most things, it's not going to compete head on with a top-of-the-line converter like ACR, if all of ACR's controls are made available. The reason I mention the last bit is that PS and PSE both use the same ACR engine, but I understand (from Dave) that when using it with PSE, you only get access to the first 2 tabs.
    You are right about the ACR engine in PS Elements only having two tabs (Basic and Detail). However, I am now using ACR in Lightroom2, and as far as I know, it is the same engine found is CS4 (LOVE it by the way!) Of course, I don't know how much of the "Develop Module" is actually ACR and how much might be additional tools found only in Lightroom2.

    At any rate, LR uses 5 different modules: Library, Develop, Slideshow, Print, and Web. The "Library module" has 4 tabs (Histogram, Quick Develop, Keywording, and Keyword List). Quick Develop only contains Presets, White Balance, and Tone Control).

    The "Develop module" has 8 tabs: Histogram, Basic, Tone Curve, HSL/Color/Grayscale, Split Toning, Detail, Vignettes, and Camera Calibration. The Detail tab in LR contains chromatic aberration, unlike the PS Element's version of ACR.

    It is quite a joy to work with Lightroom2. Will definitely still be upgrading to PS Elements 8 for Mac. Love some of the new features! Linda

  7. #27
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Hi Linda,

    I was watching some Vimeo video tutorials of LR2 by Joe Bloggs last night, it looks good and your confirmation it has all the ACR tabs is very timely so thank you for that.

    I think I'll try the 30 day trial and see how I get on, but am sure it will be fine.

    Regarding those video tuts, this is the latest, there are 18 or so more before it and I guess No.20 will be out soon. They come in nice 'byte size' chunks of information.


  8. #28

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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Hi Linda,

    Sounds like the "Develop Module" has the same controls as ACR.

  9. #29

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    Re: Can renaming multiple times degrade a photo?

    Linda, you've forgotten the Adjustment Brush with all the things it can do, the Spot Removal/Clone tool, the Crop/Straighten function, and the Graduated Filter tool, Vignettes, and Camera Calibration. To say nothing of the great list of pre-sets on the left hand panel.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 6th October 2009 at 06:23 AM.

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