1) this is the question for this thread:
what was done to the photo below to make it so amazingly great?
2) the rest is just background and context in regards to what leads to the question in the first line of this thread.
what is the common practical problem most people have from the beginning? essentially "what is needed to create a great photo"
over 15 months ago, after heaps of fluff and low quality people on the Web, the answer was never found. but a related, yet distinct, question "how to create a great photo" seems to be answered by Nickolay Stanev[1]
[1] http://www.quora.com/Photography/How...iting-pictures
the most important thing to a great photo is lighting and composition, though like any art, none of this is science and no universal rules exist. for example, one of the composition "rules" is "Do not put your subject in the center, do not put your horizon in the middle of the picture." the rule of thirds "claims that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject would."[2]
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_thirds
it's one of those cliché "rules" in a particular field of study that academics like to classify so we can make sense out of a complex world. you cannot study any forms of art that will lead you to anything universal. instead, you like, dislike, or feel apathetic to various forms of art. there are much quality articles showing fundamental problems of lower fields of studies that really dont merit a "study". so let's go back to the original problem.
the answer does clears up the first, fundamental problem: "what is needed to create a great photo" though it does not clear up "how to create a great photo" even though it seemed like it did, initially at least. while quora is one of those few sites that has high quality content, it always does come down to the topic, and a topic like photography just adds little on a comparative level, and even that answer on quora falls short
now that you know what is needed and helpful to solving the problem, you know what is not -- "learning about everything else that is not needed in taking good photos" -- which is a topic i havent touch since over 15 long months ago..[3] well maybe i did ask one thing on photo.stackexchange.com but it was about editing a photo, especially when it's so difficult to find what you need even on decent sites[4]
[3] ~ Cambridge in Colour Tutorials Clarifications ~
[4] http://www.geofflawrence.com/photogr...s.html#editing
so we know what is needed. now we have to go to the next logical question, "how to create a great photo" and that is where you come in. the best way to answer this question is for an experienced photographer to analysis a photo.
like many people, i keep a large collections of photo i like (remember the thing we talked about earlier about liking and disliking art?). this is one of the pretty amazingly great photo recently discovered
there seems to be a lot of digital editing done to it so.. what editing techniques or photo setups do you think was done to create this?
i know that there are flickr groups on critiquing photos, though the comments are brief like one-line tweets and mostly unhelpful (haven't check how it is currently), and there are likely better sites with passionate people than flickr for the analytics of photos by now. and i would ask on quora though i feel that more focused sites may have more quality answers, so i wanted to give this a try, and even though posts on forums/boards typically have a short lifecycle, analysis is always fun!
recently, someone did an entire wedding with instragram filters -- http://kimathomasblog.squarespace.com -- and while im unsure if this is the first ever, this is likely the route ill take in future photo missions
this thread is for answering the problem "how to create a great photo" and one way to do this is via finding out how a great photo was created. if you have other good solutions that may help with the problem, please propose![]()