Noted Dan was asked and I am not answering for him – just stating facts:
As the sensor (or film size) increases, the POSSIBLE minimum DoF attainable with any given f/stop is decreased.
As a very simple example – if you take a picture of a person with a 50mm lens on a 5D and shoot at F/4 and then take EXACTLY the SAME framed picture with EXACTLY the SAME Perspective using a 7D (you would need about a 31mm lens): Then to get the SAME DoF, you would need to use F/2.5
The ‘difference’ between APS-C and 135 Formats (aka ‘Full Frame’) is close enough to 1⅓ Stops.
The most glaring example is the difficulty in making very shallow DoF images with a P&S or other smaller sensor, Sub Miniature Format Cameras.
These ‘differences’ created by the sensor or film size, are referred to as “EQUIVALENCE (in PHOTOGRAPHY)”.
A more technical explanation
The 'Depth of Field' (DoF) is determined by:
The Focal Length of the Lens (FL)
The Shooting Distance - sometimes also referred to as the Subject Distance (SD)
The Aperture (Av)
The Circle of Confusion (CoC)
Now whilst the CoC has an history which is a muddy and based upon an arm's length 10x8 plate at worst and the "average" human eye's resolving power at best: there are accepted norms for the CoC.
These norms for the CoC VARY, with Film / Sensor size.
That's why, as the sensor size changes (as the CoC changes) the RANGE of DoF POSSIBLE also changes.
And the smaller the sensor, the smaller the Aperture which is required to achieve the SAME DoF for any given IDENTICAL shot.
As a simple generalization: the 135 format camera range across all brands (aka ‘Full Frame Cameras) has the greatest range of fast lenses which are easily available and therefore affords the easiest and least expensive option for Photographers who require a very shallow DoF – I believe this is the point Dan K was making.
This “Equivalence” is referred to in Scott Stephen’s post #14, where he compares the 24 to 105/4 to an F/2.8 zoom - here:
“It also makes up for the loss of a stop worth of shallowness in DOF on that f4 lens vs. an F2.8 lens. The f/4 on a FF will give as shallow or a bit shallower DOF as an f/2.8 does on a crop 1.6, as I understand it.”
And I respond to that comment in post #15 - here:
“PS Technical note:
The DoF “equivalence” between 135 Format and APS-C Format is about 1⅓stops.
So as an example for the comparison mentioned:
The DoF capacity for any given shot using 24 to 105F/4 lens on a 5D ≡ 15 to 65F/2.5 lens used on a 7D.”