Gill I dared to play with your image for a while. Please, if you want I will erase this post as you let me know in private for example.
I explain what I have done.
But before let me tell you that your image reminds me England with it's misty weather and cold.

First I have made a small barrel distortion under lens correction in CS as it increases the sense of perspective.
I have drawn two lines in red. One vertical and another one horizontal. OK you can see that

I have observed that the lamp is not exactly - exactly - at the center of the composition, aligned with what seems to be the door at the end, far away there.
May be - just may be - the lamp is not in the middle. I mean physically, on location.
On the other side, I think you should consider to shoot horizontally just to see what you get.
What doesn't please me very much in your image - in spite of considering an excellent image - is the fact that it is too vertically symmetrical.
You have the horizon at the middle of the picture. I don't know if balancing the crop up or down wouldn't make it better. More "ground" less sky or vice-versa.
The sky is so dramatic and menacing that I tend to suggest that you move to more "ground".
And, last suggestion but not the least, why not some person on the image ?
Well, if you don't want any person on it it is your option.
But, if there are people around moving, shoot 4, 5, 6 pictures and erase them on their layers.
I assume you are working with a tripod.
Poor me, I lost mine one of these days. I left it somewhere and I suppose it was on the street.

Why not one person towards us blurred, expressing movement, at 2/3 of the frame. ?
Or even... a doll laying on the ground. Yes a doll. I know what a doll is.

An old one.
To add drama to the scene.
Oh well, just letting my conscious flow for a while based on your image.