My first submission "Leaf Me Alone"
C&C requested here
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 19th October 2009 at 12:26 PM. Reason: add image inline, edit C&C request as new thread created
Hi Steve,
Next time, if you're after comments and critique, it is probably best to post the picture in its own thread in the appropriate forum (which actually is this one in this case).
Since this is the challenge/competition thread, some members are less forthcoming with comments here, although specifically asking does make it clear what you want. If too many replies are attracted, it can obstruct the normal flow of the thread.
We're not too hung up on protocol here at CiC, but I think I will copy this into it's own thread for feedback.
If you get any that result in you re-editing the pic. you can always come back and edit the post above and substitute the re-worked pic. for the competition. But obviously leave the original in place in the other thread or the comments won't make sense.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 19th October 2009 at 12:28 PM.
How could I fix that? Can I just convert Adobe RGB to sRGB (and how do I do that in Photoshop CS2)?
Now it indeed lacks a bit of power.
But if I'm hounest, I think your version is just a bit too much. It looks very good but just a bit overdone or something.
Allright, fixed
Converted the tiff file to sRGB. Than I got it like you can see it a couple post above.
Than I edited a bit like you suggested Colin (Thanks of that).
So this is the result:
View on Black
So this is my entry for the October challenge.
Last edited by JK6065; 19th October 2009 at 01:35 PM.
Well doneEasiest way around the colourspace thing is to just create an action to convert to sRGB and to 8 Bit.
I think your version & mine are pretty similar in terms of saturation now - I just applied more sharpening to try and give more of a "3D feel" to the clouds and define the rays a bit. To be honest, I think the ideal amount is probably somewhere between both of our shots.
It was festival time in India. I got lucky to get a few exciting shots of the mood. Here is one:
Here is the EXIF
Another one from the festival of lights ! 4 second exposure.
Here is the EXIF
Little girl delivering a lovely kiss to her mom.
Here is the EXIF