Donald said in THIS THREAD that he would like to see what the sky looked liked 20 minutes later. It's taken me so long to respond because the shot needed a lot more work to get the exposure right. The first image below is out of the camera with only the default RAW processing that Aperture applies. This was the middle exposure of 3 bracketed shots. I've been experimenting with various HDR programs - PSE and other free and trial software packages - and I was not happy with any of the results. Could be my inexperience but I decided that the dynamic range in this particular photo was not so great as to need HDR. Encouraged by Ole's notes in that other thread, I decided to try selectively dodging and burning. The second photo is the result. Here's what I did in Aperture:
Default RAW processing
Used the recovery slider.
Slight adjustment darker on the 1/4 Black/Gray luminance slider
Selective Saturation and Luminance changes for red, yellow and blue colors
Separate dodging of the foreground and the barn
Burning of the tree line and the sky
Sharpening applied to entire photo
I am really interested in feedback on the PP on this. Does it look overdone or unnatural? Did I lighten the foreground too much? I was tempted to saturate the sky colors further but the reds became blown and I could not seem to recover it effectively - either by color controls or selectively erasing the adjustment.
Finally the last photo is the same as the second with a devignette. Is the an improvement or not?
OOC Raw Processed Only
Processed as noted above
Same processing with devignette added