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Thread: Image size After edits

  1. #1
    Petracsr's Avatar
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    Image size After edits

    First of all, hello to everyone! It's been a while.
    After editing, my files are about 2-3 MB. Then I will have a few that are 10-12 MB, and I can't figure out why! Nothing different/special about the editing. Any ideas why some of my files are so big? I shoot in raw, edit in PS5.
    Thank you,

  2. #2
    Andrew76's Avatar
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    Re: Image size After edits

    You may find that the smaller files have been cropped down from their original RAW size. That reduces file size quite a bit.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Image size After edits

    It usually depends on what you do by way of editing, Petra.

    Do you crop to reduce size? Using layers can massively increase file size. Using Adjustment Layers, for example a Curves Adjustment Layer, have much less impact on file size than working on duplicate layers.

    Saving a file as Psd is considerably smaller than a Tiff, Jpeg obviously is much smaller again depending on the compression used. But any file which is saved including layers will be large. My typical image file sizes are considerably larger than what you mention.

    To fully answer this question we really need some actual information and sample photos. Plus full information on what you have done by way of editing, including the Raw conversion.

  4. #4
    Petracsr's Avatar
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    Re: Image size After edits

    Okay. From now on I will write down the editing steps taken so I'll be able to give a good example.

    Typically, I'll open in Bridge, make minor adjustments, then go on to PS. I duplicate the file, then close the original and work on the dup. I try to do most of the editing with adjustment layers, but sometimes I will have to duplicate the layer. Flatten, usually crop, then save as a jpeg. That's about it.

    When I can't meet with someone, I have to upload to a gallery, and those large files take forever!

  5. #5
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Image size After edits

    Quote Originally Posted by Petracsr View Post
    Okay. From now on I will write down the editing steps taken so I'll be able to give a good example.

    Typically, I'll open in Bridge, make minor adjustments, then go on to PS. I duplicate the file, then close the original and work on the dup. I try to do most of the editing with adjustment layers, but sometimes I will have to duplicate the layer. Flatten, usually crop, then save as a jpeg. That's about it.

    When I can't meet with someone, I have to upload to a gallery, and those large files take forever!
    Petra adjustment layers and duplicate layers will make a big difference to the size of PSD files however it sounds to me like you may be talking about the size of the jpegs. The size of the jpeg will vary considerably depending on content and quality settings used when saving. eg a scene with a lot of blue sky and water will give a considerably smaller file than one with a lot of foliage, for a given quality setting. If you are using fairly high quality settings such as 11 or 12, the difference can be quite marked. Also cropping will make the file smaller.


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