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Thread: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Nov 2012

    Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images


    I am new to this area and your input would be highly appreciated. I have fisheye images which are supposed to cover the whole 360 degree horizontal and 180 degree vertical area. I want to *create* equirectangle image which I will later project into sphere. Can somebody lead me into the steps or lead me to some tutorials or terms to google ?

    I want to implement and code the functions myself. So I am thinking along these lines:

    1- project fisheye images into some planes
    2- sticth the projected images in some way
    3- change the stiched image into equirectangular image

    Is this the right direction ? if yes, what type of projection should i project my fisheyes images to ? Is there any specific way to stitch the images to create the equirectangle image ?

    Any input, tutorials, and direction would be highly appreciated,

    Thank you

  2. #2

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    Re: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

    No idea about whether what you propose to do will work, but there is an open source project called Hugin that might have useful information (and has source code) available. Wikipedia also tends to have articles on such subjects (sorry, didn't search there)

  3. #3
    herbert's Avatar
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    Re: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

    The de-facto standard for most panorama software is Panorama Tools by Professor Helmut Dersch:

    This is the basis for a lot of free and commercial software. Since PTGui can do spherical projections I assume that the PT library contains the functionality you are interested in. Using the links above you should be able to track down some documentation on how the operations are performed. Failing that you can read the source code.


  4. #4
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    Re: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

    Thank you very much. I actually want to learn the theory behind it. I want to implement it myself for my project. So these source codes can do the job but not really what I am looking for. I want to learn the flow of the work.

    I look forward to hearing from you

  5. #5

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    Re: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

    The reason you got referred to projects that provide source code is that those allow you to see how it's done. If all we tried to do was to point you to existing tools, source code would actually be less useful...

  6. #6
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    Re: Generate equirectangle images from 6 fisheyes images

    Quote Originally Posted by revi View Post
    The reason you got referred to projects that provide source code is that those allow you to see how it's done. If all we tried to do was to point you to existing tools, source code would actually be less useful...
    Thank you

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