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Thread: Hello - let me introduce myself

  1. #1
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Hello - let me introduce myself

    Hi, everyone. My name is Linda and I am new to the site. I like wild life and landscape photography and would like to learn more about night photography. The tutorials are very helpful and I look forward to learning more and eventually posting some of my photos. I have photographed a family of four and done a wedding. They are fun, but I really prefer nature.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello - let me introduce myself

    Quote Originally Posted by LJS2 View Post
    Hi, everyone. My name is Linda and I am new to the site. I like wild life and landscape photography and would like to learn more about night photography. The tutorials are very helpful and I look forward to learning more and eventually posting some of my photos. I have photographed a family of four and done a wedding. They are fun, but I really prefer nature.
    Hi Linda,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us.

    Could you do us a favour and Edit your Profile and put "Linda" into the Real Name field and (roughly) where you are in the world into the Location field?

    I look forward to seeing some pictures, I would urge you not to leave it too long - you'll probably learn faster, the sooner "the collective" knowledge of CiC is engaged reviewing your shots and proposing suggestions for improvement.

    What are you shooting with Linda?


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