Kevin: You're right that the device that I attached to the speedlight to direct some of the flash forward uses the same principles as the Rogue bender. It's called
A Better Bounce Card or
ABBC as the short version of the name. Despite that it's sold commercially, the owner of the company made a video instructing how to make the do-it-yourself version out of foam and velcro available at most any craft store:
Bouncing your flash and using a diffuser/reflector to modify the light is a great way to achieve natural looking lighting and to avoid the "deer in the hearlights" lok of straight on flash.
There are many types of reflector/difusers available and all of them work to one degree or another and all of them combined with a bounced flash will provide better lighting than straight on flash.
I use a Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro ( because IMO the articulating FlipIt portion of the DFD makes this unit more versatile than diffuser/reflectors which do not articulate. The advantage of the variable angle FlipIt is that you can use this in areas in which there is no ceiling off which to bounde (outdoors at night) or when the ceiling is too high or to dark off which to effectively bounce.
The DFD is not terribly expensive as photo equipment goes but, it certainly more expensive than the DIY reflector/diffuser introduced in the video.
However, this reflector/diffuser from eBay has a variable angle reflector, like the Demb Flash Diffuser Pro and also has various color inserts. The price presently is really low and I don't think it will end in a terribly high bid.
The project cost me about $2.00 in materials. Though the product functions very well, a good friend who saw it immediately asked if I ever passed an art class. When he showed me his card that he made using the same video, his point was well made.
![Big Grin](