Wonderful light. Reflection on the water is great. Just the right amount of detail in the harbour wall.
It's lovely.
Last edited by Donald; 26th November 2012 at 04:29 PM.
Wonderful image. Sell it to your tourism office.
But Steve (Mrgargal) and Cerian might want a cut for inspiring the idea - Recognise the lighthouse?
Not what a tourism office would want unfortunately.
Sublime simplicity.
Thank you Donald,Bobo and Mike.....the light has been particularly nice on the East coast this week .
Wonderful sky and water. The light is subtle and very atttractive.
The only problem for me is one of those "once you see it you are unable to ignore it" things that is possibly idiosyncratic to me only. The pole to the left disrupts the curve of the peak of the distant mountain in a way I find a bit jarring. May be nothing that could be done by moving as then you might lose the fishing boat; which is a nice element as it gives extra depth to the image.