I can't decide either. One sunlit, the other moonlit.
Possibly less cloud distortion around the sun in B&W?
How did you see the final image in your mind at the moment you pressed the shutter?
Hi Andrea,
this one's easy for me; Colour
Hi Andrea,
I think the mono has more punch, but I tried a test edit and you can apply that to the colour one too.
I duplicated the layer, brought the output levels down to 230 and up to 5 and raised input grey level to 1.2, then applied a USM of 50% and 250px radius.
This blew the sun even more, so I erased the sun from the top layer revealing your original through from underneath.
I confess also did the same with the signature, since being white text on a dark background, it really grabbed the attention, I also burned it down some to further lessen its impact. If mine, I'd remove it completely, as it's yours and I'm not claiming it as mine, I left it visible.
Let me know if you'd like to see it.
Dear Dave,
thanks for the suggestions. I'll try them and post back the results.
Yes I would like to see your interpretation.
Last edited by kris; 27th November 2012 at 08:09 PM.
Dear Donald, Dave, Geoff and John
thanks for your feedback. I think finally I like more the B&W version, but it is my way of seeing it.
Here are the new version with the Dave's suggestions. Well almost because I changed a little the blending and the
opacity, and added some mask. I also added a frame.
I like the B&W very much, more so than the color version(although that one is nice also). Well done.