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Thread: Introducing Tim in Singapore

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Introducing Tim in Singapore

    Having been a non-posting member for two years, I thought I ought at least to introduce myself. I am a former publisher, for a long time in London and since 1996 in Singapore. Now retired, sort of, but doing loads of freelance book projects, these days more writing than editing (thank the Lord).

    First camera: Brownie 127 (late 50s). First SLR use: father's Nikkormat (early 1970s). First owned SLR: Canon AE-1 (abandoned when the Singapore environment filled it with fungus, ants, etc.). First digital camera: Pentax Optio 430RS (megacute but not good). First DSLR: Pentax *istD. Great. A classic. Still have it. Currently using: Pentax K-5, K-x as backup (but have other old bodies, apart from my own); and Fuji X-10 (potentially great camera, but the software designers should be torn limb from limb, very very slowly. Moderator: I'm joking. I think). Attraction of Pentax apart from performance is lightness, compactness and enabling one to buy, use, and enjoy old glass going back many decades - plus their current primes, which are compact and terrific.

    Travel nut.


  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Introducing Tim in Singapore

    Glad you decided to take the plunge, welcome to CiC! It sounds like you have many wonderful images to share!

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Introducing Tim in Singapore

    Hi Tim,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me, great to have you join us - but what kept you? - we don't bite (I think I'm joking)

    So, what takes your fancy, photographically speaking (of course)?

    All the best,

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