My wife signed us up to go to an Audobon Society Owl event Friday night. Apparently they try to call the owls in for the visitors.
So obviously, I'd love to get some photos. Has anyone done this or any kind of nighttime bird photography? Any suggestions on what to expect? Gear to take? I have a call in to the folks where the event is held in hopes of (a) learning whether flash photography is allowed (assuming that will help) and (b) what kind of conditions to expect - especially how close they normally get the owls to come in - if they're baiting them with food, etc.
Obviously if possible, I'd love to get a photo of an owl coming in for a landing. I assume I'd need a flash for that. Would a single 580 EX II be enough? Any suggested exposure settings (ie: ISO, high speed sync, etc)?
But I figured I'd see if anyone here can provide and help too!
- Bill