having just joined the site, I guess I'd better join in the learning process.
Although I've had cameras for many, many years (DSLR since early 2008), I consider myself still very much a beginner. I've never joined photographic clubs because I haven't felt my photography was up to it, and, being honest, I thought I might be a bit thin-skinned about comments. CiC looks like a good place for feedback, though.
Anyway, here are a couple of shots from this year, with my comments/criticisms added. Please feel free to add yours! Both shots were taken on my trusty EOS 450D, with my EF-S 17-55mm lens. I don't use Photoshop/DPP or similar, but I do have Picasa for cropping and the odd simple tweak. The first shot is straight off camera, the second has a slight darkening added using Picasa.
Torside Water, Derbyshire:
I liked the curve of the outfall, leading the eye across the reservoir. However the farther shore is a bit dark, and perhaps a bit uninteresting. Hanging around for the sun to come out might have been better. And does the left hand bank add balance or distract?
Autumnal punts
I was balancing on a slightly wobbly pontoon, with the camera held close to water level. I liked the idea of the punts framing the view up the little inlet, but on reflection (no pun intended), I think the shot might be a bit too cluttered, with the upper background not adding much to the picture.
So, what do you think, guys & gals?
Last edited by Magog; 29th November 2012 at 01:31 PM.
Nice leading lines, colors and composition. They both keep my eyes on them.
For the first one I'd suggest you try to crop a bit from the left side to make the arc beginning from the corner. That could make the curve and the photo more intense but keep in mind that for suggestions like this one you can never be sure unless you see the implemantion.
For the second one I'd try to crop some more from the top for a wide frame to emphasize the water.
I am sure you'll get some more suggestions from the experts of the site.
A good point about cropping, Miltos; I tend to crop in the existing ratio (normally 3:2, I believe) for ease of printing. Trying other ratios, even a long narrow crop would be interesting, and I guess if the picture was good enough, one of the specialist on-line printers could do the job.
On the first; I agree with you that the far bank needs more light. The near side is light and consequently dominates/gets more attention than it needs. So getting the water and far shore to be lighter would enhance the image. I like it, especially for the curves. Does the curve of the dam(?) continue to the right; might be nice to have more of that so you have the curves of the near bank, outlet and dam wall more dominant as elements.
I fully agree with Mito on the second. You could lose the bright sky and the image would be much stronger. You may already know this but the viewers eye will e drawn by brightness so it is always a good idea to look at where the bright spots are (I could make a pun about always looking on the bright side but I am above that sort of thing) and if they benefit or detract. Otherwise the image is quite good
AS for post processing. I don't do a lot of it, but my theory on post processing is the same as my theory on clearing up the fallen branches and trees on the paths through my forest at home. Nature is great but sometimes it needs a helping hand to look good.
Hello from another newcomer, and very much a learner at that. First thing I noticed in No1 (its not a horizon) is that angle of the far bank gives the impression that the image is tilted. But I stand to be corrected. Apart from that a nice image. Now you can have a ding at my first submission!