Originally Posted by
OK, I'll bite.
First point, you do not edit a TIFF or JPEG file. You translate an image stored as TIFF or JPEG to the internal representation of the editor and edit that. Iow,
taking a JPEG, and transforming it to a TIFF before editing isn't of any use, it but adds a transformation of the image data (one that shouldn't in theory influence
the end result, admitted).
Then, about the techniques you applied:
The edge enhancement techniques you used have their uses (artistic and scientific/forensic, the latter if they are correctly specified).
I'm less convinced by the final image (where you show the difference between the TIFF and JPEG versions), and that for two reasons:
1: you didn't specify if the original TIFF was 8 or 16 bit/channel, nor what colour depth was used internally, and that will have an influence
on the exact positions of the edges, and on their apparent sharpness.
2 (more importantly): you needed to enhance that image to show the differences, but you don't show anything to give us an idea of the
difference before enhancement.